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Paisley Constituency – Verification Result

Electorate 51,673
Total votes cast – Paisley constituency ballot 29,592
Total votes cast – West Scotland region ballot in Paisley 29,616
Turnout – Paisley 57.3%

Election Results

Candidate Party Votes
George Adam Scottish National Party 14,682
Neil Bibby Scottish Labour Party 9,483
Paul Masterton Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 3,533
Eileen McCartin Scottish Liberal Democrats 1,766
Ballot papers rejected 128
Total votes cast 29,592

Renfrewshire North and West Constituency – Verification Result

Electorate 50,555
Total votes cast – Renfrewshire North and West constituency ballot 30,870
Total votes cast – West Scotland region ballot in Renfrewshire North and West 30,864
Turnout – Renfrewshire North and West 61.1%

Election Results

Candidate Party Votes
Rod Ackland Scottish Liberal Democrats 888
Mary Fee Scottish Labour Party 7,244
Jim Halfpenny Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 414
Derek Mackay Scottish National Party 14,718
Peter Morton 198
David Wilson Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 7,345
Ballot papers rejected 63
Total votes cast 30,870

Renfrewshire South constituency  – Verification Result

Electorate 49,422
Total votes cast – Renfrewshire South constituency ballot 29,810
Total votes cast – West Scotland region ballot in Renfrewshire South 29,842
Turnout – Renfrewshire South 60.3%


Election Results

Candidate Party Votes
Tom Arthur Scottish National Party 14,272
Tristan Gray Scottish Liberal Democrats 793
Ann Le Blond Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party 4,752
Paul O’Kane Scottish Labour Party 9,864
Ballot papers rejected 129
Total votes cast 29,810

Total of the votes cast in the West Scotland region ballot – Paisley:

Registered party Number of votes
RISE – Respect, Independence, Socialism and Environmentalism 159
Scottish Christian Party “Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship”
Christians Together
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Ruth Davidson for a Strong Opposition
Scottish Green Party
Ross Greer for West of Scotland
Scottish Labour Party
Choose kids, not cuts
Scottish Liberal Democrats 954
Scottish Libertarian Party
Free Speech, Free Markets, Free People
Scottish National Party (SNP)
Nicola Sturgeon for First Minister
Solidarity – Scotland’s Socialist Movement
Tommy Sheridan – Indy Ref2
UK Independence Party (UKIP) 513
Ballot papers rejected 43
Total votes cast 29,616


Total of the votes cast in the West Scotland region ballot – Renfrewshire North and West:

Registered party Number of votes
RISE – Respect, Independence, Socialism and Environmentalism 90
Scottish Christian Party “Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship”
Christians Together
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Ruth Davidson for a Strong Opposition
Scottish Green Party
Ross Greer for West of Scotland
Scottish Labour Party
Choose kids, not cuts
Scottish Liberal Democrats 737
Scottish Libertarian Party
Free Speech, Free Markets, Free People
Scottish National Party (SNP)
Nicola Sturgeon for First Minister
Solidarity – Scotland’s Socialist Movement
Tommy Sheridan – Indy Ref2
UK Independence Party (UKIP) 630
Ballot papers rejected 34
Total votes cast 30,864


Total of the votes cast in the West Scotland region ballot – Renfrewshire South:

Registered party Number of votes
RISE – Respect, Independence, Socialism and Environmentalism 113
Scottish Christian Party “Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship”
Christians Together
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Ruth Davidson for a Strong Opposition
Scottish Green Party
Ross Greer for West of Scotland
Scottish Labour Party
Choose kids, not cuts
Scottish Liberal Democrats 606
Scottish Libertarian Party
Free Speech, Free Markets, Free People
Scottish National Party (SNP)
Nicola Sturgeon for First Minister
Solidarity – Scotland’s Socialist Movement
Tommy Sheridan – Indy Ref2
UK Independence Party (UKIP) 577
Ballot papers rejected 49
Total votes cast 29,842
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By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News