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A Renfrewshire councillor is calling for a cycle lane to be installed on Houston Road between Bridge of Weir and Gryffe High School in Houston.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Scottish Government have created the People for Spaces Fund, which Renfrewshire Council are currently making bids for. The fund has the aim of making temporary infrastructure improvements to make it safer for those willing to walk or cycle for essential trips and exercise during Covid 19.

This has urged SNP Councillor for Bishopton, Bridge of Weir and Langbank, Natalie Don to renew calls for a cycle lane to be installed to allow safe social distancing and ensure the safety of pupils travelling between Bridge of Weir and Gryffe High School.

She told Renfrewshire News: “I have asked council officers to consider putting in a bid for a cycle lane between Bridge of Weir and Houston on the route to Gryffe High School. If this is not possible, we must explore other options to make this a reality for those travelling between Bridge of Weir and Houston.”

“When schools return in August it is likely that pupils and parents will be less willing to use public or school provided transport. An increase in cars at our school gates could cause many issues so active travel is something we should continue to encourage but it is important that the right infrastructure is there to keep our kids, and everyone, safe on the roads.”

“As a former pupil at Gryffe High School who walked to and from school along Houston Road, I would not have had the confidence to cycle on the road. If cycle lanes could be created here, that may be exactly what some kids need to encourage them onto their bikes travelling to school.”

“This is a move that is long overdue and really is a no brainer for the area and something I have been calling for since becoming councillor for Bridge of Weir. The Covid 19 pandemic and social distancing measures have brought these discussions to the forefront again.”

Main image credit: Google Maps

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News