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Police Scotland have issued a statement to remind local residents that all public children’s play parks throughout Renfrewshire are still currently closed due to the ongoing COVID restrictions.

The Scottish Government announced yesterday that parks will be allowed to reopen from Monday 29th June.

Police Scotland, said: “Renfrewshire Council have clearly marked such areas with signage and barrier tape.

“In recent days it would appear that a minority of local residents have been removing the tape and allowing their children to play on the equipment. We have received a number of complaints in relation to both Barshaw Park and Brodie Park in Paisley.”

Community Policing Inspector Tracy Harkins, who is based in Paisley, added: “I can fully understand the frustration of parents and guardians during this prolonged period of social distancing but would ask that they continue to abide by the current guidelines to help prevent the spread of infection.”

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News