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Pupils at Goudie Academy, run by specialist child and youth care charity, Kibble, have achieved the prestigious Eco Schools Green Flag accreditation, highlighting their continuous work to improve the school’s sustainability credentials over the last year.

The award was achieved by following a seven-step framework for sustainability set out by Eco Schools, which included forming a pupil led eco-committee, undertaking an environmental review of the school, creating an action plan, and implementing environmental education within the school curriculum.

The young people of Goudie Academy showed dedication to improving the school’s environmental credentials by creating a mixed media Eco Mural in partnership with local artist Kevin Cantwell, which sits in the school grounds.

Outdoor eco classrooms were also created with the support of pupils, who planted fruit, vegetables and flowers to promote pollinator species and insect wildlife.

Pupils also took part in litter picks with community group, Darkwood Crew, helping spruce the Ferguslie Park area, recycling all waste plastic collected.

Photo: Kibble and Darkwood staff taking part in Eco Schools activity
Photo Credit: Kibble Education Centre

This is only the beginning of Kibble’s ambitious sustainability plans, with the proposed introduction of an electric vehicle fleet and electric charge points on campus, along with widening the charity’s food recycling activities all part of an overall Net Zero campaign.

Jim Gillespie, Chief Executive, Kibble said: “Kibble’s Goudie Academy achieving the Eco-Schools Scotland Green Flag Award is a testament to the commitment and determination pupils and staff have shown for increasing knowledge of climate change and how to become part of the solution.

“The versatile learning experiences, which included creating outdoor classrooms, designing artwork from recyclable materials, and litter picking in the local community, helped pupils understand the impact a more sustainable lifestyle can have on our planet.

“We are determined to continue our eco-journey across the entire Kibble group and reflect the achievements of our pupils. Our key climate goals will see Kibble invest in Electric Vehicle infrastructure with the installation of charge points across all locations, increased recycling and the application of a whole-life carbon approach to project developments.”

Kibble supports at risk children and young people (aged 5-26) across the UK. Many of the young people we care for have experienced significant trauma in their lives and Kibble offers care and support to help them move forward. This includes residential and community support, as well as dedicated schools and wellbeing services.

If you would like more information on Kibble, please visit

Photo: Wall Mural as part of Goudie Academy Eco Schools activity
Photo Credit: Kibble Education Centre

Photo: Goudie Academy new outdoor area
Photo Credit: Kibble Education Centre

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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