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A businesswoman was caught drink driving after she fell asleep on a motorway.

Kelly Larkin, 38, was clocked by a fellow motorist in the back seat of her car in Glasgow’s M74.

The terrified witness was able to rouse Larkin who was slumped over but refused to engage with him and went back to sleep.

The witness went on to direct traffic to prevent a dangerous collision until police arrived.

Larkin, of Paisley, Renfrewshire, was later found to be more than five times over the limit.

She pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to causing or permitting to cause a vehicle to remain on a road in such circumstances as to involve danger of injury to other persons.

Larkin also admitted resisting, obstructing or hindering police and drink driving.

Larkin – a nail technician who owns firm Bella by Bella – was found in her Audi by a passing motorist around 2.40am.

The car was situated on a bend within a lane with its rear lights on but no hazards.

The witness put on a hi vis jacket and directed traffic around the Audi.

Prosecutor Gail Campbell said: “He was concerned as it was an extremely dangerous position and there would be a dangerous crash.”

The witness dialled 999 meantime.

Miss Campbell: “The witness observed Larkin lying asleep across the back seat of the vehicle.

“He made attempts to get her out but she looked at him before going back to sleep.”

The witness went back to directing traffic before police attended.

A request was made to Traffic Scotland to flash a red cross to keep traffic away from the lane.

Officers made attempts to draw attention to Larkin who then jumped in the drivers seat but refused to exit the Audi.

It was noted that Larkin was under the influence of alcohol and was later found to be unsteady on her feet.

Larkin was argumentative when handcuffs were applied, tried to forcibly break free and pulled her body away.

Larkin continued to struggle before being held in custody.

It is there she carried out the breath test which showed her to be 116 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath when the legal limit is 22 micrograms.

Darran Khorasani, defending, told the court that Larkin is “disgusted and expresses her remorse.”

Sheriff Valerie Mays ordered Larkin to do 206 hours of unpaid work and put her under supervision for two years.

She was also disqualified from driving for 27 months.

The sheriff said: “This was a very dangerous incident – other people could have been injured and you yourself could have been injured.

“It is credit to the person who stopped and directed the cars to stop a more serious incident.”

By Connor Gordon

Renfrewshire News Court Reporter

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