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A teenager spat at a ticket conductor and brandished a bottle after being told to sit down on a train.

Jay Rodgers, 18, lashed out at John Murray aboard a journey between Paisley, Renfrewshire, and Glasgow’s Cardonald on 5th January 2021.

Rodgers initially hurled abuse at the conductor before stating he would hit him with the bottle.

He then went on to spit at Mr Murray as he was leaving the train and made further efforts to do it again.

Rodgers pled guilty today to assaulting Mr Murray as well as having the bottle in a public place without a reasonable excuse or lawful authority.

The court heard Rodgers was on the train from Paisley when he was told to sit down as the carriage was moving.

Rodgers stated: “If you have something to say, say it to my face.

“I will smash your specks in and rip your arm off and shove it up your a***.”

Mr Murray tried to de-escalate the situation but Rodgers continued his behaviour and made further threats.

Prosecutor Alasdair Knox said: “On arriving at Cardonald station, he walked to the doorway.

“While doing so, he brandished a Buckfast bottle at Mr Murray saying ‘I will smash you with it’.”

Rodgers initially walked off the train.

Mr Knox: “While closing the door, Rodgers spat at Mr Murray which landed on the left elbow of his ScotRail jacket.

“He then boarded the train and tried to spit on Mr Murray twice more.”

Mr Murray contacted police once he reached Glasgow Central station.

Sentence was deferred pending background reports until next month by Sheriff Iain Fleming.

Rodgers, of the city’s Govan, had his bail continued meantime.

By Connor Gordon

Renfrewshire News Court Reporter

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