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University of the West of Scotland (UWS) is exploring the lived experiences of underemployed workers as part of a first-of-its-kind multi-institutional research project.

The £950,000 ESRC-funded study will see UWS working with the University of Bristol, the University of Salford and the University of Nottingham, as well as Bristol One City, Salford City Council, Citizens UK Nottingham, and the Poverty Alliance to track levels and experiences of underemployment over time in the UK and across Europe.

Dr Vanesa Fuertes, Senior Lecturer in the School of Education and Social Sciences at UWS, said: “Underemployment is an increasing feature of our society and a concern for our economy, but its definition, roots, impact, and magnitude have not been the subject of detail or in-depth study until now. By fully understanding the lived experiences of underemployment, the aim is to improve circumstances for underemployed people, their families and communities, and also importantly employers and the economy, who might not be making best use of the labour force’s abilities or skills.

“A key aim of the project is to offer evidence-based policy recommendations that could help policy makers, and other interested parties, to tackle the negative consequences resulting from underemployment.”

The in-depth research will look at underemployed workers, which are classed as individuals who work below their potential or preference in terms of hours, wages and skills. From January 2023 until January 2026, the team will analyse the characteristics and effects of underemployment, detail the composition of the underemployed workforce, pinpoint the predictors and outcomes of being underemployed and highlight the lived experiences of underemployed workers in the four UK cities.

The study will gather data on how underemployment affects individuals’ health and wellbeing, finances, relationships, future labour opportunities, and other facets of their lives.

The project will also explore the effect of underemployment on their families and neighbourhoods, their civic participation, work engagement and productivity.

Dr Vanessa Beck from the University of Bristol said: “The project aims to further our understanding of what the lived experience of underemployment looks like and possibilities there are to improve such experiences.”

Dr Luis Torres-Retamal from the University of Nottingham said: “Most official measures of underemployment are limited to hours worked. This does not consider the case of workers who, although having a full-time job, have low wages or may feel that their skills as underutilised. We consider this multidimensionality to provide a complete picture of underemployment.”

Prof Tracey Warren from the University of Nottingham added: “People might argue that ‘having any job is better than having no job at all’. Our research project is querying that mantra. It is highlighting the lives of those workers who are in employment but are having to work in inadequate jobs.”

Dr Daiga Kamērade from the University of Salford said: “Underemployment often has far reaching implications for the workers themselves, their wellbeing, financial security and their families and communities around them. We will look at these implications.”

To find out more about the project, visit its dedicated website here

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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