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Renfrewshire Council approved their £483.2million budget today with the council stating this will help build a fairer Renfrewshire while supporting the Council’s financial sustainability.


  • 6% Council Tax increase from 1 April 2023
  • Below inflation 5% increase in service charges
  • £8.3million of service cuts and up to £11million of reserves supporting this budget
  • Committing £6.7million investment in roads and footpaths
  • Launching an easy-to-access £1million Sustainable Communities Fund
  • Protecting our five-year £424.2million capital investment programme
  • £483.2million budget will come from a £389.7million Scottish Government grant, £5million in Fairer Renfrewshire funding and income from rates and other incomes like service charges etc

The £483.2million Renfrewshire Council budget brings together £5million in funding for people most in need through the Fairer Renfrewshire programme.

This includes more money for the Scottish Welfare fund and for Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau as well as a summer activity programme with a healthy meal for children and young people from low income families and a winter school clothing payment.

Significant investment in roads and footpaths also continues through a £6.7million boost as well as funds to improve road safety in Renfrewshire villages.

And a £1,000,000 fund will promote community collaboration and better wellbeing while supporting Renfrewshire’s net zero targets.
There was also a commitment to protect the ongoing five-year, £424.2million capital investment programme which includes transforming Paisley town centre cultural venues and improving transport links across the area.

A 6% Council Tax increase from 1 April 2023 was agreed alongside a below inflation 5% increase in service charges.

Balancing the budget is supported by £8.3million of savings and using up to £11million of reserves.

Councillor John Shaw, Convener of Renfrewshire Council’s Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board, said: “Our budget builds a fairer Renfrewshire and supports the council’s financial sustainability.

“Setting this year’s budget has been hugely challenging, against a backdrop of the cost-of-living crisis and the continuing long-term impact of the pandemic creating sustained hardship in many of our communities.

“Like all households in Renfrewshire, the council is managing unprecedented cost increases, to energy bills, material and fuel costs, the cost of care and everything from paying our staff to the price of a school meal.

“Considerable service redesign has contributed to savings supporting this budget, building on more than £160million saved by the Council since 2010 and we are acutely aware more difficult decisions are ahead over the coming years to protect vital services.”

The budget also includes £450,000 in play areas and the expansion of the concessionary swim programme to pre-school children.

Cultural groups and organisations will benefit from £200,000 to replenish the Culture, Heritage and Events Fund which has supported 135 different creative projects in recent years.

There is also funds to increase the foster and kinship care allowance by 10%.

Renfrewshire Council Leader Iain Nicolson said: “We’re investing more in children, young people and their families, making sure we put money into the pockets of people who need it most.

“Fostering and kinship care has a hugely positive impact on a child’s future and so it’s vital we acknowledge the vital role they play.
“Replenishing the hugely popular cultural fund, investment in our villages and more money for play areas builds on significant investment in recent years benefiting every council area.

“And we are proud to be protecting the capital investment programme which is bringing new jobs and opportunities and making Renfrewshire a great destination to live, visit, work and invest in.”

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

4 thought on “Renfrewshire Council budget 2023: Highlights from today’s meeting”
  1. Helping support children… my ass….

    They have cut the budget for ASN schools and support teachers last year it was 22.4 million, this year it was less than 22 million…
    Yet they spent over 22 million on town hall…

    So clearly the town hall is more important than disabled children…

    Report shown to cllrs at education committee in Renfrewshire council, FIO obtained by a parents action group…

  2. Increased costs, cuts to services and introduction of additional taxation through the back door with their £40 garden waste charge. Band D charge of £1500 per year + £40 for what? Roads and pavements which are in a disgraceful state, inappropriately designed schools wasting money and money wasted through inefficient management. But it’s okay, they are spending £25 million on the town hall, which will never be fully used. Despite it previously having had £ millions spent to refurbish it. Time to get the wasteful employees out and manage the Council like a business.

  3. Renfrewshire council need to invest more in ASN education and provisions within Renfrewshire area
    The lack of services within Renfrewshire for ASN
    As every child with an additional need is lacking support from their local authority
    Riverbrae school is over subscribed

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