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A council worker who carried out a horror murder bid on his father on a busy street has been jailed for six years.

Stewart McMeekin leapt out his van and turned on Thomas McMeekin in Broomlands Street, Paisley in Renfrewshire on 6th May 2021.

The 27 year-old was armed with two blades and repeatedly stabbed Thomas.

First offender McMeekin was today sentenced at the High Court in Glasgow having pled guilty to an attempted murder charge in January.

Builder Thomas, then 50, was working that morning along with a young apprentice.

The attack occurred in broad daylight near a polling station on election day

Thomas had gone to a local shop at the same time his son was spotted alone in his Renfrewshire Council van.

Prosecutor Stewart Ronnie said: “The apprentice saw the van at the opposite side of the road and then heard Thomas McMeekin shouting for help.

“Stewart McMeekin was seen armed with two knives charging at him

“They fell to the ground and began to struggle. McMeekin then repeatedly stabbed his father.

“The apprentice attempted to intervene and McMeekin said: ‘Do not get involved, you do not need to do this’.”

A taxi driver also tried to come to Thomas’s aid, but McMeekin told him: “It is nothing to do with you, mate’.”

McMeekin, of Johnstone, Renfrewshire, was further heard making comments about his father.

This included: “I will kill you, you rat.”

Police arrived and blood-soaked Thomas stated: “I have been stabbed, chest, arm, everywhere.”

Part of the incident – captured by witnesses on their mobile phones – was played in court including the young apprentice yelling for help.

Thomas required surgery and an emergency blood transfusion.

He had multiple stab wounds to his neck, chest, stomach and wrist.

He has been left scarred for life and could have died, but for medical help.

Jennifer Bain KC, defending, today/yesterday said there had been “considerable challenges in the relationship” between father and son, which had continued until around the time of the attack.

The advocate also told the court: “It is this background that appears to be the catalyst for this out of character behaviour.

“At the time, he was also suffering from depression. He has emphasised to me that nothing can excuse what he has done.

“He is a young man who did not ever expect to be appearing at the high court.

“He is horrified at behaving in this way and is struggling to come to terms with it.”

Lady Stacey cut the jail-term from eight years due to the guilty plea.

She told McMeekin: “We cannot have people acting in the fashion that you did.

“You are now 27 and had a completely clean record. It is a pity that a law abiding citizen has ended up at the high court.”

The judge added any background between the men could give some explanation to what happened, but could not “excuse” the attack.

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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