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Designed to attract more young people to consider the industry and the wide range of potential careers that it offers, Taylor Wimpey West Scotland’s support for Scottish Apprentice Week (6-10 March 2023) aims to celebrate the wide range of careers that it supports, and the positive impact this has on individuals, the business and the wider housebuilding industry.

David Blair, Managing Director for Taylor Wimpey West Scotland, said: “We aim to be an inclusive employer and to attract, retain and promote employees from all backgrounds. As a company, we are reaping the benefits of investing in apprenticeships and nurturing the next generation of employees – and we would urge other businesses to do so too.

“Our apprenticeship, management trainee and graduate programmes offer a structured path into the company to provide the talent that we need to future-proof our business. We would encourage young people to take a look at the industry with fresh eyes. Housebuilding offers a wide variety of careers and there’s a breadth of opportunities for young people to discover.

“Also through our partnership with Developing the Young Workforce and forging a new relationship with South Lanarkshire College to support the learning and development of our young people, we are proud to be creating a range of positive outcomes for our young talent and our business.”

Jan McMahon, a representative from Developing the Young Workforce said: “Scottish Apprenticeship Week provides a platform to showcase the value of apprenticeships and their role in shaping the future economy. We are excited to have Taylor Wimpey supporting DYW West by providing informative site talks and tours for schools, which help to showcase the many opportunities available to our young people. It is through these great partnerships that we can build a strong, skilled workforce and inspire the next generation.”

Taylor Wimpey is a great career choice for young people considering the housebuilding industry with recognition and awards from The Job Crowd Top Company and Glassdoor. Taylor Wimpey West Scotland also holds the Investors in Young People Gold Accreditation.

Kara Newman, Sales Admin Trainee: “My apprenticeship with Taylor Wimpey is giving me lots of brilliant opportunities to learn new skills. The balance of college and work days suits me, and it’s great that Taylor Wimpey can support me in learning while I earn too. My apprenticeship will mean that I have recognised qualifications (HNC Business), which will provide many more future opportunities for me.

Photo Credit: Chris Watt / Taylor Wimpey

“I’ve already achieved lots but I’m most proud of being asked to be the Chair of Taylor Wimpey’s Young Persons’ Forum. Through the engagement that we do with schools and community groups, it’s a good feeling inspiring other young people to think about the housebuilding industry.”

Kai Montgomery, 3rd year joinery apprentice: “I’m really enjoying my apprenticeship with Taylor Wimpey – it’s given me lots of confidence to work with lots of different people in new situations and it’s great to learn from different tradespeople working alongside you on your site.

“Having a balance of learning new skills in college and then putting them into practice on-site really works for me, and it’s great to be earning while I’m learning too.

“I enjoy learning new skills and I’m very proud of my finishing skills. My dream is to continue working with Taylor Wimpey and in the future, I hope I will be leading my own team.”

Ross Marr, 4th year bricklaying apprentice: “I’ve always wanted to master a trade and I wanted it to be with a well-known company with high standards. My apprenticeship with Taylor Wimpey has given me all of that and more. I love being outside, meeting new people, and learning my trade which is also allowing me to develop transferrable skills which are great for the future. Developing within Taylor Wimpey’s apprentice programme has helped me to push myself to achieve my potential by being more driven and focused which adds to my strong work ethic.

Photo: Ross Marr
Photo Credit: Chris Watt / Taylor Wimpey

“One of my greatest achievements was being recognised by Taylor Wimpey for an internal ‘Above and Beyond Award’ which I’m very proud of because I take real pride in my job and it’s great that Taylor Wimpey sees that in me too. I’m looking forward to the bright future when I’m a fully qualified bricklayer.”

Jodie Franks, 1st year Trainee Site Manager: “I’ve always been interested in construction and originally I wanted to be a joiner. I had the chance to complete a construction management taster course which I really enjoyed, and this led to an opportunity to join Taylor Wimpey’s Trainee Site Manager programme.

“I enjoy that no two days are the same and there are always different scenarios and challenges for me to deal with. Coming in and getting started is probably the most challenging part of my apprenticeship so far, but I can’t believe how much I know already and how supported I am in this environment to maximise my potential. Everyone is friendly and approachable and my confidence is just building each day.

Photo: Jodie Franks, 1st year Trainee Site Manager
Photo Credit: Chris Watt / Taylor Wimpey

“I enjoy learning on the job, but I’m fully supported in my college studies to achieve an NVQ Level 4 in Construction Management. The dream is to become a fully qualified site manager and run my own successful development like the one I’m working on at the moment.”

Charley Urquhart, 1st year Trainee Site Manager: “Before I left school, I knew that I didn’t want to work in an office and the construction environment really appealed to me. I enjoy working with different people and solving problems so being a trainee site manager is the ideal combination for me.

Photo: Charley Urquhart, 1st year Trainee Site Manager
Photo Credit: Chris Watt / Taylor Wimpey

I’m learning every day and through the support of the management team and the training that I receive, I feel confident in my abilities and I’m on the way to unlocking my full potential. I feel valued, needed, and part of a real team effort that’s working together to build new homes for customers.

I’m very proud that my site manager trusts me to be part of the on-site team never thought that I’d be helping to run a successful housebuilding site.”

Kai Ferguson, 1st year Trainee Site Manager: “I’m excited to be part of the housebuilding industry and in particular Taylor Wimpey because of their approach to quality and high standards in the training they provide, the homes they build, and what they expect of apprentices and trainees is the type of environment where I want to learn and succeed in.

Photo: Kai Ferguson, 1st year Trainee Site Manager
Photo Credit: Chris Watt / Taylor Wimpey

“I’m enjoying working with each of the trades and I learn something new every day, which is brilliant. My apprenticeship has already given me lots of confidence to try different approaches and tackle new challenges. My biggest achievement so far has been taking on more responsibility and I’m pleased with how I’ve responded to that. My dream is to be a site manager.

Details about apprenticeships and other career opportunities within Taylor Wimpey are available at www.taylorwimpey.co.uk/jobs/early-careers.

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