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A bar worker spat on a woman she knew from the dominatrix scene.

Kimberley Mitchell, 28, assaulted the 41-year-old woman on two occasions in February and March 2019.

Mitchell initially spat a cocktail on the face of the victim at Barca bar in Glasgow city centre.

She then carried out a similar act at a house party in Uplawmoor, East Renfrewshire.

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard that the former friends first met in April 2018 when Mitchell worked at a city centre bar.

Mitchell stated that she went on to do training with her at a “dungeon” above the bar.

Mitchell claimed she first attended a “party” at the dungeon with the woman.

She said: “She invited me to a couple drinks with the women and I said yes.

“When I was there, there was a waiter…he was a naked man – we got served drinks by him.

“We were told not to talk to him – no please or thank yous.

“She approached me and said men would pay good money for me and I could make in an hour what I made in a week at the bar.

“I needed a flat, so I said yes.”

Her lawyer Haroun Malik put to Mitchell allegations that she sexually assaulted the woman at the city centre’s Woods Bar in 2018.

The court heard claims that Mitchell seized her on the body and kissed her on the lips in the toilets without permission.

Mitchell stated this was “made up” adding that she had never attended Woods Bar.

Mr Malik also asked her about a visit the pair made to Barca bar.

Mitchell said: “I did not spit at her, we were drinking cocktails and mine had a foam on it with garnish.

“I took the foam off as a joke and put it in her face – she took it very serious and rushed off home.”

Mitchell admitted that she overstepped a personal boundary.

Mitchell went on to deny allegations that she spat liquid in the woman’s face during a house party in Uplawmoor in November 2019.

The court had earlier heard evidence from a witness who claimed that Mitchell thought it was funny and that the woman was soaked.

Mitchell stated that three witnesses to the event were being “manipulated” by the woman.

Prosecutor Stewart McLean asked Mitchell if “these people did not like you?”

Mitchell replied: “Yes.”

Mr McLean later asked if this was a “fairly major conspiracy” to which Mitchell responded “I know.”

She added that she believed the other witnesses were lying.

Sheriff Iain Fleming found Mitchell guilty of the two assaults by spitting charges and found the sexual assault allegation not proven.

He said about the sexual assault: “There is something were are not being told here…the woman was vague in the circumstances. There is a gap there which is of benefit to you.”

He stated about the spits: “They can corroborate each other, if you are to be believed, six witnesses got it wrong.

“I can’t say there was a conspiracy or a tactical decision – it is remarkable that both charges are similar.”

Mr Malik asked the court to defer conviction on the bar manager who is a first-time offender from the city’s west end.

The lawyer seeks to get information to submit a request for an absolute discharge.

Sheriff Fleming agreed and deferred conviction until next month.

By Connor Gordon

Renfrewshire News Court Reporter

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