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A man on trial for murdering his ex-partner and putting her in a sports bag claimed he did not see her on the day she died, a trial heard today.

Craig Walker, 40, is accused of killing Lauren Wilson, 34, at a flat in Renfrew, Renfrewshire on 26th May 2021.

It is claimed he repeatedly struck and stabbed Sainsbury’s worker Lauren with a knife on the head and body.

The murder charges further states Walker compressed her neck and inflicted blunt force injuries by means unknown.

Walker is then accused of attempting to defeat the ends of justice on the same date.

This includes claims he wrapped Lauren in sheets and tape before placing her in large sports bag with the “intention of disposing of her body”.

Walker is also said to have sent messages from his former partner’s phone pretending to be her.

The indictment alleges he done all this to “avoid detection, arrest and prosecution”.

Addresses listed in this charge are the flat where the allege murder occurred, the Normandy Hotel in Renfrew as well as a house in Paisley, Renfrewshire.

Walker also faces an earlier allegation of having two knives on May 20 2021.

Lauren’s friend Ashley Brown, 36, told the High Court in Glasgow that she was in phone contact with her that day.

It was claimed Lauren was going to the Beatson hospital with Walker after work.

Lauren and Walker were also stated to have plans to tell his wife about their relationship that day.

The witness said she received no replies to her texts through the day until 6.05pm which read “I f***ed up big time.”

Ashley claimed this was surprised as she would spell the swear word “FCUK like the French Connection brand.”

Ashley stated that she was told Lauren was going to go for a walk which the witness found “off” as she would go for a bath.

The witness claimed that she and friends contacted Walker and asked if he had “seen her today.”

Walker was noted to reply: “No, why? Has something happened?”

Further texts read to jurors showed Walker denying having a hospital appointment or radiotherapy treatment.

Ashley claimed to have phoned Walker after police had made efforts to contact him around 10.50pm.

She stated that Walker’s phone was switched off after the second attempt.

Lauren’s mum told the court that she received “out of character” text messages from her.

Pauline Wilson, 61, claimed she was frightened after Lauren did not pick up her daughter on May 26.

The witness stated that she had her granddaughter overnight while Lauren had a busy shift at work.

Pauline claimed she was asked to keep the girl after picking her up from school but she refused due to dinner plans with Lauren’s brother.

Pauline said: “I wasn’t sure what she was going to do, she wasn’t saying what she was wanting to do…I asked what she was doing and she said she was supporting Craig Walker with a hospital appointment.”

She added that Lauren had told her she has “something important” to say to her which was “nothing to worry about.”

Pauline said: “I knew it was important as she wouldn’t leave her without arrangements like a packed lunch or uniform.

“It was totally out of character – I was worried and getting distressed.”

The witness stated that Lauren had told her that her friend Pamela Hartley, 36, would pick her up for dinner.

Pauline stated that she did not see sense in her granddaughter going with Pamela so she did not go.

A selection of text messages allegedly between Pauline and Lauren were read to the court.

In one, Lauren said: “It’s okay mum, I’m not doing anything stupid or making an idiot of myself, I just really need your support at this moment.”

Another read: “I have lied to you, I’m sorry, I’m not at hospital at all, I just need some time alone to work things out, I will be back to get her.”

Prosecutor David Dickson asked Pauline if she had concerns about these texts.

She replied: “Yes, it was just totally out of character for Lauren – I was frightened – it was just not something she would do – she would never leaver daughter ever.”

Another message was then read out stating: “I’m embarrassed mum, this my doing, I have been a total d***.”

Mr Dickson: “Is this something she would say?”

Pauline: “No, Lauren never even swore at me and would not use that kind of language.”

The witness told jurors that Lauren’s three friends came to her house that night the police were called at 8pm.

Pauline stated that she found out Lauren had died in the early hours of the morning.

Former Glasgow Airport security officer Pamela told the court that she learned Walker was an air traffic controller.

The witness stated that she did not see Walker at Glasgow Airport.

Pamela claimed that Lauren had told her that she was to be in court on the day of her death surrounding custody of her daughter.

The trial continues tomorrow before Judge Lady Stacey.

By Connor Gordon

Renfrewshire News Court Reporter

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