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A man was caught operating a £337,000 drugs operation from his own home.

Robert Ross, 30, was snared at the property in Renfrew following police intelligence in February 2022.

Ross directed others by phone in storing and transporting diamorphine to a safe house in Johnstone between September 2020 and February 2022.

He also ordered some of the drugs to be kept at co-accused Edward Wilson’s home in Paisley.

Ross was snared after a raid on his home recovered his iPhone which contained hundreds of incriminating messages between him and associates.

Ross discussed high end goods such as watches and designer clothing.

He also made referred to “Big London Yardies” who were teaching him to cook crack cocaine.

Ross and Wilson pled guilty today at the High Court in Glasgow to being concerned in the supply of diamorphine.

Ross further admitted being concerned in the supply of cannabis and cocaine.

The charges are aggravated by a connection with serious organised crime.

The court heard that police received intelligence during Operation Tricera relating to large scale manufacturing and distribution of drugs in Scotland.

Prosecutor Lindsay Dalziel said: “It was from his address that Ross issued many of the instructions to others, in the form of verbal instructions over mobile text and WhatsApp messages.”

Ross’ family home was searched and an iPhone was seized and examined.

He was noted to speak to a Broxburn associate 334 times between November and December 2021.

Miss Dalziel said: “In the messages were conversations relating to the sale and production of controlled drugs and the facilitation of drugs and money being transported between the two.”

Ross – nicknamed ‘Junior’ – used street terms such as ‘poly’, ‘bottoms’ and ‘dog’ as well as recognised cash amounts in terms of weight.

It was noted that Ross directed others to store diamorphine at an address in Johnstone and transporting it to Wilson’s home in Paisley.

Miss Dalziel said: “Messages also showed a number of photographs sent by Ross featuring large bundles of cash, discussion of high value goods such as quad bikes, watches and designer clothing.”

Cash totalling £1,790 was also recovered from the property.

The hearing was told now deceased David Monk was a trusted associate of Ross.

Police surveillance noted that Monk attended Ross’ home as well as Wilson’s property on a frequent basis.

Miss Dalziel said: “Through this period he also regularly attended Strawberry Bank Road in Kilmarnock where he was visiting in order to deliver controlled drugs.”

Monk’s Berlingo van was stopped on January 26 2022 when he was caught with 14.5 grams of diamorphine.

His phone was also sized which contained messages between him and Ross.

Miss Dalziel: “Certain messages involved Ross sending addresses to Monk and in other he was informing Ross where he had dropped items off.

“In some messages, Ross told Monk to take his wages from cash sums that he had gathered.”

Wilson’s home was raided on February 22 2022.

More than 10 separate packages containing diamorphine were recovered in varying weights and purities.

Inside a JD Sports bag, there were two taped packages with an image of a tiger’s head and the phrase ‘Tiger Brick’ on it later found to contain diamorphine.

Miss Dalziel said: “The total range is therefore £90,000 as recovered, unadulterated and £337,247 adulterated to 19% and with maximum subdivision.”

The safe house in Johnstone was also searched on March 3 2022 but nothing of evidential value was found.

Messages sent by Ross were evidence in relation to the safe house.

A subordinate worker looking after the drugs at the safe house was nicknamed “Sandwich.”

Miss Dalziel said: “This appears to derive from the packages of diamorphine which were prepared and then stored in Tupperware-style sandwich boxes.”

It was noted that ‘Sandwich’ was offered £150 to take four boxes to Wilson every Tuesday between October 2021 and February 2022.

Miss Dalziel: “18 weeks of moving four deals with £5,000 meant that this part of the drugs operation alone involved the movement of more than £360,000 of diamorphine.”

Some of the drugs seized had “designer” names.

Miss Dalziel: “On October 9 2020 Ross sent a message to an associate ‘always said I wanted a Lamborghini’ and then sent a photo of large blocks of brown powered with a Lamborghini stamp on each with a message ‘got myself two’.

“The reply from an associate read ‘Aye blocks of drugs lol’.”

Ross was noted to take a “hands on” role with Wilson where he would adulterate drugs for onward supply.

He sent pictures of clothes packaging and plastic utensils contaminated with powder which he claimed he needed to burn.

Ross also sent an associate message regarding cocaine supply.

He said: “Two big London yardies up to show us how to cook [crack cocaine] it’s no easy man.”

It was revealed that Ross has one conviction relating to cannabis and amphetamine aggravated by serious and organised crime for which he received a four-year sentence.

Sentence was deferred until next month by Judge Lord Matthews who remanded both men in custody meantime.

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