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A fund that supports young people to create, design and deliver projects in Renfrewshire is now open for new applications.

The £150,000 Celebrating Renfrewshire Fund aims to make the area a better place for young people to live, giving young adults and teenagers aged between 12 and 25 a voice in their community and a chance to shape how life in Renfrewshire will be for them in the future.

Last year, more than 35 successful projects were awarded funding, including those that provided industry standard filming and editing equipment to young people and the creation of a social hub for a youth homeless unit.

The fund is managed by a steering group of young people from across Renfrewshire, facilitated by Renfrewshire Council’s community planning and youth services teams.

Steering group member Martyna said: “This is an incredible opportunity to get involved and get funding to make a real change to your local community. If you have any ideas, please be sure to apply!”

Anyone aged 12 to 25 can apply to one or several of the seven Local Partnership areas for up to £3,500. Each application must meet at least one of the six priorities.

Community groups and organisations that work with young people can apply as long as young people that they work with, or support, approve the project.

School parent councils can apply if they can show that the project will benefit the whole community and has the endorsement of their pupil council.

The priorities set by young people are:

  • mental and physical wellbeing
  • cost of living
  • employability and life skills
  • climate change
  • drug and alcohol prevention
  • violence-diversionary projects for young people.

Renfrewshire Council’s Young Person’s Champion, Councillor Bruce MacFarlane, said: “It’s great to see Celebrating Renfrewshire open for applications again as it gives young people a real opportunity to design a community that they want to live in.

“They come up with the ideas and it is other young people who decide what to take forward to make Renfrewshire a better place to live as a young person.

“I would encourage anyone who has an idea, no matter how big or small, to take the plunge and apply.

“I can’t wait to see what this year’s round will bring.”

The deadline for applications is Sunday 21st May.

Once applications close, young people will be able to vote for their favourite projects. Successful projects will be awarded funding as part of the participatory budgeting process.

To apply and for more information, visit

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