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Views are being sought on potential changes to Southholm roundabout in Erskine to improve safety and enhance walking and cycling options.

A previous survey of 550 local people outlined broad support for changes to the roundabout, with 73% feeling the roundabout was too busy at the moment, 48% thinking the speed of vehicles should be reduced, and more than three-quarters believing pedestrian and cyclist safety should be improved.

Two concept designs have been created and both would see a bigger central island to slow traffic down and ease traffic flow, a reduced speed limit on approach, and a separate route for pedestrians and cyclists around the outside of the roundabout.

The first option for consideration includes two traffic lanes on all four approaches to the roundabout, with a 3-metre-wide shared path for pedestrians and cyclists around the roundabout, while option two has one traffic lane on all four approaches to the roundabout and a 4-metre-wide shared path for pedestrians and cyclists around the roundabout.

Councillor Michelle Campbell, Convener of Renfrewshire Council’s Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board, said: “We want to ensure that local people and those who use the roundabout often have the chance to provide their feedback on what will be the best option to take forward.

“The responses to the previous survey outlined that people wanted the speed at which motorists use the roundabout to reduce and safety for people walking and cycling to be improved.

“These options do that, as well as providing additional connections to existing pedestrian and cycling routes in the area, so please fill out the survey and let us know your thoughts.

The survey will run until Sunday 28th May 2023.

If you would like to take part in the survey, visit

Photo: Both photos are images of Southholm roundabout in Erskine
Photo Credit: Renfrewshire Council

Ricky Kelly

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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