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A Paisley councillor has recently toured a Veterans charity to see first-hand the work the charity does in supporting veterans with sight loss.

Cllr Carolann Davidson, Labour & Cooperative Councillor for Paisley East and Central learned what the charity does to combat loneliness and isolation as well as the variety of activities and outings, the activity hub offers the means and support to adapt to life with sight loss and try new things.

Many veterans who attend the centre say the things they do there and the connections they’ve made have transformed their lives.

While during the tour, Cllr Davidson played a veteran at pool and have a go of the centres VR headsets.

Cllr Davidson who is also the Renfrewshire Labour Group Spokesperson for Health said: “I really enjoyed my visit, and it was a great opportunity to meet many of the veterans who attend the centre and speak to them about how the charity helps them.

“They are all just so positive, it is a real inspiration. I try and do as much as I can to help people with vision impairment in our local area, and regularly attend the Renfrewshire Visual Impairment Forum to discuss what we need to do better in our local community.”

Photo: Cllr Carolann Davidson visit to Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans 

Davidson adds: “One of the big things we need to improve is public transport. People with vision impairment rely on public transport, and need a regular, reliable service, they can trust.

“Unfortunately, there has been several local bus routes either cancelled or reduced due to costing issues.

“This needs to be looked at again.”

If you would like more information on Sight Scotland Veterans please visit or call our support line on 0800 035 6409.

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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