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An MSP has welcomed the signing of a landmark agreement between local and national government, which will help to empower local communities, tackle poverty, transform the economy and provide high-quality public services in Renfrewshire.

The Verity House agreement, which was signed last week by First Minister Humza Yousaf and COSLA President Shona Morrison, will build a stronger relationship between the Scottish Government and local government; placing mutual trust and respect at its core.

Among other commitments, it will agree a new Fiscal Framework to control how local authorities’ funding is allocated; reducing ring-fencing and giving them greater control over their budgets to meet local needs. It will also regularly review councils’ powers and funding, incorporate the European Charter of Local Self-Government into Scots Law and reform public services, building on the partnership working established during the pandemic recovery.

Tom Arthur, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire South, said: “Building a new Scotland requires bold thinking and a robust relationship between local councils and government so that the needs of the people and communities across Scotland can be championed and addressed at all levels.

“As Renfrewshire South continues to recover from the impact of the pandemic, and grapples with the on-going Tory cost of living crisis, it has never been more crucial to have joined up thinking and strategic planning when it comes to tackling issues that matter most to people.

“The Verity House agreement shows a real commitment from the Scottish Government to work alongside local councils, like those in Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire, to accelerate and achieve its ambitious goals when it comes to eliminating poverty and Scotland’s Net Zero targets – leaving no community behind.”

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