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Kilmacolm-based photographer, David Walker is sharing his personal images of the city this afternoon.

The audience can look, listen and learn about often unseen architectural gems hidden in and around the city.

Members at the monthly meeting in Paisley’s Salvation Army Hall in Mill Street can enjoy a slideshow and ask David Walker questions.

u3a chair, Kathy O’Donnell said: “They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words. This pictorial record of Glasgow’s past may change how we view buildings on future visits.

“We look forward to an insightful presentation and discussion at this, our final meeting, of the session. Refreshments are served between1.30pm -2pm before our speaker’s talk.”

David Walker remarked: “I always tell my audiences to look up when they go to town. For years I worked in the city centre which has a wealth of Victorian architecture. We tend to take this for granted until it’s gone.

“I’m a keen amateur photographer, so taking pictures around the city was quite easy. But my interest in its buildings was really sparked by Glasgow Open Doors Day events. I hope u3a members will be as struck by this treasure trove of sites as I was filming them.”

The event is being held on Thursday 6th July 2023 at 2pm in the Salvation Army Hall, Paisley, PA1 1ND

Paisley & District u3a is Scotland’s 50th self-help learning organisation for people in part time work or no longer working full time.  u3as are run by local volunteers freely sharing their knowledge and skills.

Find u3a groups and activities and how to join the organisation at:

Photo Credit: David Walker

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