Bench on Greenock Road, Inchinnan
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Communities in Renfrewshire are seeing the benefit of their decisions as the first set of projects from the #YouDecide campaign are completed.

The campaign saw local people put forward their ideas for infrastructure projects in their area after Renfrewshire Council made £1.2million available for communities to spend on projects that would enhance their neighbourhoods – and then they voted for their favourites from the ideas put forward.

A new walkway in Erskine has been completed along the riverside which is being used by walkers, cyclists and by the area’s parkrun for warmups, and Race Director David Benstead is delighted with the new surface.

David said: “The resurfacing of the path leading to the Newshot Nature Reserve makes one of the routes for runners heading to Erskine Waterfront parkrun much easier to access, particularly during periods of wet weather.

“The path previously was very muddy and uneven under foot, but this has been a fantastic improvement to the waterfront and allows our runners to use it as part of their warmup.”

Howwood Park has also benefitted from the investment with perimeter path around the park upgraded with a new surface giving better access to the play park and for walkers, and work is underway to redevelop the football pitch in the centre of the park.

Friends of Howwood Park member Gillian Whyte said: “The new tarmac path is more suitable for walking, cycling, scooters, prams and wheelchairs and has really opened up the park so it can be used to its full potential.

“It will be great when the drainage works on the football pitch are complete too as this will hopefully stop it from becoming waterlogged. It’s great to have a good grass football pitch in our village, especially one which will have received so much work.”

Another project completed has seen both footpaths on the route to Inchinnan Primary School at Broompark Avenue resurfaced to make it safer for pupils and parents on the walk to school.

Maggie Morrison, Inchinnan Community Council, said: “This project is fantastic and so long awaited. Broompark is a main route to school and is also home to many older residents, so tarring the footpaths helps our older generation to feel more confident out and about and is safer for our children on their way to and from school.

“The footpaths on both sides are so smooth you could roller-skate down them!”

Other projects that have been completed so far include a new paths on Ferry Road in Bishopton and Abbey Road in Elderslie, improved access to Glencoats Park to support visitors with mobility issues, installation of a gate from Inchinnan playing fields car park to allow direct access to the park, and the path will be upgraded too, and seating on the cycle route along the A8 Greenock Road in Inchinnan.

Local communities have also been consulted on what type of outdoor gym and play park equipment they would like to see in Churchill Drive Park, Old Road Park, Thomas Shanks Park, Station Road Park, Jenny’s Well Play Park, South Candren Village Green and Glebe Street

Councillor Michelle Campbell, Convener of Renfrewshire Council’s Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board, said: “#YouDecide has been a fantastic way to engage the local community on what they know would make a positive difference to where they live and it’s great to see progress being made on the 50 successful projects.

“Having used the Erskine walkway myself, it’s made a great difference to the local area and that’s exactly what this campaign is all about – using local knowledge and giving people their say on how to make their neighbourhoods better.

Photo: #Cllr Michelle Campbell
Photo Credit: Renfrewshire Council

“I’m looking forward to seeing more projects getting underway like new play parks and outdoor gym equipment, new skateparks and even the new lighting projects which will make a real tangible difference locally as we continue to work hard for our communities in Renfrewshire.”

For more information on the #YouDecide campaign, visit

Photo Credit: Renfrewshire Council


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