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A man charged with murdering his brother and trying to kill his mum has been cleared on mental health grounds.

Raymond Docherty, 29, was said to have repeatedly struck Robert Docherty, 40, with a knife at his home in Johnstone on 1st June 2022.

Prosecutors also stated he attempted to murder Linda Docherty in a similar way at the property.

Docherty was further accused of an earlier assault on his mum by slapping and punching her to her injury.

The case against Docherty called at the High Court in Glasgow today.

He was acquitted after prosecutors accepted he was suffering from a mental health condition at the time.

He is currently being treated at the state hospital in Carstairs, Lanarkshire.

The hearing today to determine if Docherty should be put on a compulsion and restriction order to remain there.

Psychiatrist Dr Jonathan Fish gave evidence and stated Docherty had been affected by a “delusional belief” at the time about his brother and mum.

He said: “Mr Docherty was under significant symptoms of mental health when he committed the offences.

“Had these symptoms not been present, we may be talking about different circumstances however these things occurred.”

Lord Matthews went on to make the orders for Docherty to remain at Carstairs for treatment.

The judge told him: “This is in your interests to get better and have a life in the community – hopefully you take what the doctor is saying to you.”

Headline Photo: Police closed off MacDowall Street in Johnstone back in June 2022

Photo Credit: Renfrewshire News

By Connor Gordon

Renfrewshire News Court Reporter

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