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A Renfrewshire MSP has welcomed news that The Programme for Government, published yesterday, focus on childcare.

The Programme for Government is published every year at the beginning of September and sets out the actions we will take in the coming year and beyond.
It includes the legislative programme for the next parliamentary year. The First Minister outlined his key policies which builds on his three missions of delivering equality, opportunity and community.

The highlights of this programme include enhanced childcare, allowing parents to have more control over their childcare choices, accelerating the next phase in the expansion of childcare for families with 2-year-olds. The programme also highlights funding for social care staff to increase to £12 per hour (from next April), and supporting care leavers into employment.

Natalie Don, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North & West, said: There are a number of important policies contained within today’s Programme for Government which will have a direct impact on families and those struggling to get by.

“I welcome the proposals from the First Minister, they will make a real difference for families with an extension of childcare and providing more scope for families to personally manage their childcare.

“The First Minister has already stated that helping families deal with the cost of living crises was a priority and his programme for government will go some way to doing this with an expansion of childcare including support for increasing the minimum wage for frontline staff working in private, voluntary and independence providers in the early learning and childcare sector.

“Providing funding to enable an increase in the pay of social care workers in direct care roles to £12 per hour will help to retain and recruit staff in this vital sector.

“I warmly welcome the extra support for care leavers into employment, it is important that we continue working to keep our Promise to those with experience of care. I also welcome the key announcements including supporting women with miscarriages, investment in the Scottish Child Payment and expansion of free school meals as well as the increased investment in more affordable homes.

“The Scottish Government is operating with one hand tied behind our back due to the limitations of devolution and coping with the fallout of Brexit, the disastrous Tory mini-budget and their continued ideological drive for austerity. With Independence we could achieve more for the people of Scotland.”

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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