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Brownies from across Renfrewshire were left inspired after a talk with IKEA about all the different jobs available to them when they grow up.

A group of 25 girls, aged 7 to 10, spent their Tuesday evening in Braehead learning about the international company, the process behind designing the different rooms and the different types of skills needed to work in anything from public affairs to graphic design, to human resources.

The girls even learned that IKEA had a job opening for a person to specifically look for different trees that could be displayed within the store.

The talk came after IKEA Glasgow showcased a bedroom specifically created with Girlguiding Scotland’s Brownies in mind.

The room was decorated with an array of badges, which all the girls were quick to match with the ones they personally owned too and show off about what they had that the display didn’t, and assorted toys inspired by the different activities offered as part of the Girlguiding Scotland programme.

Photo Credit: Girls drawing pictures of themselves and what they want to be when growing up

The girls got to visit the room after their talk with IKEA staff, before heading back into the workshop to draw pictures of what job they wanted to do in 20 years’ time, motivated by their array of hobbies and interests. There were pictures of astronauts, dancers, and even a person working in a reptile shop. Anything the girls wanted to be that they could possibly think of.

Olivia, 8, said: “That was so much fun. I loved seeing the Brownie room. Though mine is better because I have a Brownie flag with my name on it on my wall. [When I’m] older, I want to be an artist or a dancer or maybe a teacher too.”

Aileen Wilson, volunteer with 3rd Renfrew Brownie unit said: “It was lovely to see the girls having so much fun while learning all about how IKEA’s design their room set ups including all the different skills required to complete the job.

“We really appreciated the and effort the IKEA staff put in to provide such an informative evening for the girls. We may have a few interior designers in our midst”.

Collaborating with IKEA Glasgow on this job-focused workshop is just one of many opportunities available to young members of Girlguiding Scotland, Scotland’s largest youth organisation dedicated completely to girls and young women.

If you would like more information on getting involved, visit:

Headline image: Renfrewshire Brownies holding teddy bears that were gifted to them by IKEA

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