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Paisley & District u3a demonstrates how to keep your brain active as you age.

That’s according to Dr Louise Brown Nicholls, a senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Strathclyde.

This expert researcher was explaining how learning new skills helps the brain to stay healthy. Doing physical activities can also boost memory and cognitive ability.

Dr Nicholls definitely approves of u3a’s motto to ‘learn, laugh, live.’ She said: “I’m struck by the clear overlap between u3a’s aim of bringing people together to learn for fun, and the key message of my talk. Research shows us the benefits of being mentally, socially, and physically active throughout the adult lifespan.”

Paisley u3a chair, Kathy O’Donnell remarked: “Our members want to carry on learning. We might not know the science but we enjoy going to groups and finding out new things.

“Dr Nicholls has a couple of big research programmes coming up at Strathclyde University. I’m sure some of us will be interested to join its Older Adult Participant Panel. It’s open to anyone aged 60 plus to be a volunteer – just contact Dr Nicholls (”

On 7th December, Laura Hamilton will show u3a members how to make some jewellery.

Monthly u3a meetings are held in the Salvation Army Hall, Mill Street, Paisley with refreshments served from 1.30pm. Anyone not in full time work is welcome to attend.

Find the Paisley u3a group and their activities and how to join at:

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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