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Thousands of workers will be able to gain recognition for years of on-the-job experience, through a new postgraduate programme launched by University of the West of Scotland (UWS).

Representing a first in Scotland, the Master’s in Professional Practice (MProf) can be fully tailored to meet the professional and personal development needs of the individual, with participants able to select a range of modules from across UWS’s full portfolio.

In addition to the standard degree qualification usually required for postgraduate study, applicants can also use considerable work experience to gain a place on the course.

The programme will play a significant part improving employment prospects and developing skills and knowledge within Scotland’s existing workforce.

Dr Lucy Meredith, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at UWS, said: “Postgraduate study can be transformative for personal and career development, but is often overlooked by many due to existing commitments and a lack of course flexibility.

“The new programme not only offers a flexible approach to study, with full-time, part-time and distance learning available, it builds further on UWS’s strong contribution to widening access – we are making postgraduate education attainable for those who are keen to advance their skills and knowledge with a high-level qualification.”

With decades of experience working with industry, UWS recognised the desire from a range of sectors – including health care and justice – to enhance the skills and knowledge of existing workers and has developed the MProf programme to support this.

Karen Stitt, Practice Educator at NHS Dumfries & Galloway, added: “The Master’s in Professional Practice programme really jumped out at me as something that would fit round my work-life balance.

“I also like the idea of being able to tailor the focus of my learning and to be able to start the programme at different points throughout the year. This flexibility is really important to me as I can choose the relevant modules based on my focus at work and blend both together, enabling me to relate my learning to my practice.”

The MProf programme will contribute to developing a skilled workforce and will significantly enhance the career prospects of workers with years of experience: creating a new generation of postgraduate students who might otherwise be unable to advance their professional education.

Headline image credit: UWS

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