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Kind-hearted people in Renfrewshire are being encouraged to find out if they could foster a child.

There are currently 75 fostering households in Renfrewshire who provide a safe and loving home for children and young people of all ages, but Renfrewshire Council need more residents to open their hearts and homes, helping to Keep The Promise to care-experienced children and young people and Brothers and Sisters Together.

Anyone who is in good health, aged 21 or older and has enough living space to accommodate a child or young person could potentially become a foster carer. They can rent a property or own their home, be in work or unemployed.

Many foster carers start by doing short break or interim placements, and each foster caring household receives training and has a dedicated social worker to support them through their application and during their placements. They also receive a foster carer allowance.

Education and Children’s Services Convener, Councillor Emma Rodden, said: “Foster carers are vital to ensuring children who cannot stay with their birth parents get the love, care and support they need. By opening their heart and home to a child or young person in need, they are giving that child the chance of a positive and brighter future.

“Renfrewshire has a policy of keeping brothers and sisters in care together where possible and we need more people to become foster carers to help us do that.

“Our foster carers have told us that the experience is highly rewarding. They receive training and have a network that supports each other as well as being supported by a dedicated social worker.

“If you are interested in finding out more or are ready to take the next step to become a foster carer, please get in touch with our Children and Families team.”

As part of the process to become a foster carer, people attend group preparation sessions that help them discover if fostering is for them. After completing the group session, potential foster carers make a formal application and complete a full assessment, which is then considered at the Council’s Fostering and Adoption Panel.

Anyone who is interested in becoming a foster carer can visit or email to find out what is involved.

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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