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A pilot claimed he was stalked by a Tinder date who claimed she was pregnant with his child.

The 40-year-old stated that Jennifer Tait, 37, kept tabs on him after a one-night stand in 2016.

The man alleged that “obsessive” Tait continuously tried to make contact with him even after he blocked her.

Jurors heard Tait, of Galashiels, Scottish Borders, claimed she was pregnant and changed her position on whether she had an abortion.

She is also said to have sent him a message stating: “I would get your chequebook out daddy, it’s going to be an expensive one.”

The man claimed that he resorted to calling for help from a stalker helpline after Tait travelled 427 miles to his home uninvited in Southampton.

Tait is on trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court accused of stalking the man.

The man – a Dutch national – told jurors in his evidence that he lived in Paisley, Renfrewshire, during his training around the start of 2016.

He claimed that he met Tait once for a date after matching with each other on Tinder.

The man stated that the pair had unprotected sex and continued to contact each other after the date.

He stated that he blocked Tait after receiving “obsessive and continuous” messages from her.

The man claimed he moved to Southampton to work but continued to see Tait’s profile on Tinder despite it being area specific.

The man said he received a message from Tait which claimed she was pregnant.

Prosecutor Sean Docherty asked if the inference in the message was that he was the baby’s father.

The man replied: “Yes.”

The man claimed that he “supported” the woman while she debating making a decision on what would happen.

This included flying to Glasgow and speaking to her on the phone.

Mr Docherty asked if the woman made a decision and the man replied: “She was going to get an abortion.”

Jurors were told that the pair went to hospital on two occasions. The man claimed Tait said to him that she had an abortion.

Mr Docherty asked if at some point after that, she told him that she did not have an abortion.

He replied: “It was some form of test to see if I would stick around after to support her. That happened on a few occasions.”

The man claimed that he would received 20 to 30 messages – some unfriendly – from Tait when he told her that he was busy.

He stated that he tried to date other people but was criticised by Tait who thought it was “morally wrong” when she was going through a “rough time.”

The man also recalled Tait making remarks such as “I would get your chequebook out daddy, it’s going to be an expensive one.”

Jurors heard that the man took Tait on holiday to Mexico which he claimed was “to make her feel better during a difficult time.”

He stated that he also allowed the woman to stay with him at his home in Southampton on one occasion when she showed up.

The man stated that on a second occasion she turned up uninvited, he refused to let her stay.

He claimed that Tait waited outside his home for two hours while he ran errands.

During that time, the man claimed Tait repeatedly contacted him and claimed there was a woman inside.

The man claimed that he had to force his way into his home and pushed Tait out of the way which caused her to fall to the ground.

He said: “I phoned the stalker helpline and told them that she threatened to go to the police.

“They said that I had proof on my doorstep and I am thankful to the woman [who was on the call].”

The man said that the woman was injured and was taken away in an ambulance.

He recalled occasions the woman claimed that he would report him to the police for assault.

Mr Docherty asked if he assaulted Tait which he replied: “No” but admitted pushing her from his “personal space.”

The man claimed he was also messaged by Tait from the ambulance before he blocked her again.

He stated he was contacted on dating websites and various phone numbers with aggressive messages.

The man added that he changed his own phone number.

Mr Docherty: “These accounts you are speaking to, did you form an opinion who you were speaking to?”

The man: “Jennifer Tait.”

Tait is also accused of stalking two other men in Glasgow and Renfrewshire between November 2017 and October 2018.

Tait is said to have pretended to be pregnant to a second man.

She is said to have told him that she had miscarried.

Tait allegedly went on to threaten to tell the man’s new partner about the pregnancy and later did so.

Tait is further accused of making fake social media accounts which contained false and derogatory remarks about the man.

She is also said to have posted images on social media implying that she gave birth with the intention of the man being aware of the post.

A final charge claims that Tait told the third man that she was pregnant with his child then falsely claimed she miscarried and had an abortion.

The allegations include Tait sending a falsified letter of her claims.

Tait is accused of creating social media accounts containing false and derogatory remarks about him.

She is further alleged to have kept tabs on the man by attending his home, workplace and a football match where he was playing.

The trial continues tomorrow before Sheriff Tom Hughes.

By Connor Gordon

Renfrewshire News Court Reporter

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