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Five young people have been elected as the new Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) for Renfrewshire.

They celebrated being elected at an official event marking the occasion along with family and friends ahead of taking up their new roles for a two-year term from Thursday 1 February 2024.

The elected MSYPs are:

  • Daniela Onyewuenyi for Paisley
  • Zoya Ahmed for Paisley
  • Ameerah Kiani for Renfrewshire South
  • Alistair Anderson for Renfrewshire North-West
  • Isla Grimes for Renfrewshire North-West

All five of the seats were uncontested this time around, meaning there wasn’t a need to hold an election. Renfrewshire MSYPs are supported by Renfrewshire Council’s Youth Services team.

All five MSYPs have stated their ambition for young people across Renfrewshire.

Daniela said her top three issues were getting feminicide recognised as a legal term, implementing anti-racism work in schools and supporting youth voice.

Zoya’s is focusing on better mental health support in school, improving bus services and facilities for young people in communities.

Ameerah will promote positive youth image, campaign for more extracurricular activities and improving school environments for wellbeing and safety.

Alistair will focus on drug use, racial inequality and getting more opportunities for young people.

Isla said she will look at equalities, justice, and health and wellbeing for young people.

The outgoing MSYPs were also celebrated at the event for the work they did over the last two years since being elected.

Alex McCracken said: “It has been amazing to be an MSYP it has allowed me to champion work both locally and nationally, participating in opportunities and promote youth voice and democracy work. In my two-year term, I have been able to become the Chair of Renfrewshire Youth Voice, connect with other MSYPs across Scotland, engage in different consultations like Welcome to Your Vote to encourage and promote local youth voice and democracy work and help shape local youth representation across the authority.”

Alan Russell, Returning Officer for Renfrewshire and Chief Executive of the Council, said: “Giving young people the platform and opportunity to speak out for the young people they represent is important. It’s fantastic to see the enthusiasm and drive these young people have to make a difference to their communities and improve things for their peers. I hope the incoming MSYPs are excited to take up their new role.

“My thanks goes to the outgoing MSYPs for their hard work and dedication. I hope they feel they have achieved what they set out to do and it supports them with invaluable life experience for their future careers.”

Photo: Renfrewshire’s new Members of Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) with Renfrewshire Council Chief Executive Alan Russell, Provost Lorraine Cameron and Head of Policy and Partnerships Laura McIntyre
Photo Credit: Renfrewshire Council

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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