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A recent survey revealed that parents and carers in Renfrewshire are satisfied with the nursery and childcare offered in the area.

Out of 700 plus responses to Renfrewshire Council’s consultation on nursery and childcare services in the area, 85% said their child’s funded early learning and childcare place at nursery or with a childminder was of high-quality, as did 88% of parents and carers using out-of-school care.

Of those who used out-of-school care, 83% of parents and carers said it had helped them to stay in work, training or study.

More than 88% of people who responded to the consultation and were entitled to 1,140 hours of early learning and childcare were using their full entitlement.

People also said they wanted more information on out-of-school care in Renfrewshire, which has been added to the Council’s website.

Councillor Emma Rodden, convener of the Council’s Education and Children’s Services Policy Board, said: “Getting feedback from parents and carers about early learning and childcare and out-of-school care services in the area helps us as a local authority to ensure we have the right services in place. I would like to thank every person who took part in the consultation.

“This latest data has created a picture of people’s satisfaction with nursery and childcare services and provided vital feedback that officers have acted on, such as the new out-of-school care webpage on the Council’s website, complementing the early learning and childcare information we already had available.”

Information on early learning and childcare in Renfrewshire is available on the Council’s website, here:

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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