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A speed camera in Paisley will be deactivated however the camera and signage will remain in place.

Safety Cameras Scotland [SCS], a body within Police Scotland, said that collisions on Gleniffer Road where the camera is installed is not linked to the speed of vehicles.

The speed limit is 30mph and SCS said the driver’s average speed recorded is 28mph.

A recent review of speed and red light-related offences and vehicle speed at Glennifer Road has shown that driver behaviour has improved at the location. Once SCS determines that a site no longer meets the required criteria the camera is made dormant.

The camera housing and signage will remain in place but without enforcement taking place. A bag is placed over the camera housing to show that it is non operational.  A site may remain dormant for a period of three years, after which a decision must be taken on whether it will be abandoned or re-activated.

If after, or during the three years, speeds are shown to increase then the bag will be removed and the cameras will recommence enforcement. If speed surveys show that drivers are travelling within the speed limits then the camera will be removed from the ground along with all signage.

Stephen Burns, an SNP councillor for Paisley Southwest has concerns regarding the switch off.

He said: “Kids coming from Gleniffer High use this route coming back and forward from Glenburn and the road is always used as a race circuit at night with vehicles coming and going from the Gleniffer Braes.

“I will be contacting the council to see if they can put any alternative solution in place as well as raising my concerns with Safety Camera Scotland.”

Headline image: The speed camera in question on Glennifer Road, Paisley
Photo Credit: Renfrewshire News

Ricky Kelly

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

5 thought on “Paisley speed camera to be deactivated”
  1. This road is a race track to and from the Braes – OF COURSE, speeding drivers will slow down to pass the camera but day in, day out speeds either side of the camera approach motorway speeds!

    Accidents due to speeding drivers, especially, at the Moredun Road junction are all too often – deactivating the camera makes no sense – announcing and publicising this decision makes even less sense and surely contravenes a very serious public safety issue!

    Do we have to wait for an RTA death or another pedestrian losing their life before this issue is given the gravity and due diligence that is absolutely required! Renfrewshire – Cllr Stephen Burns

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