YOUNGSTERS will be amazed to see life-size replica statues of their superheroes at Braehead shopping centre during the Easter holidays. The popular mall is hosting six statues featuring everyone’s favourite comic, TV show and movie heroes. The free event takes place between Friday, March 29 and Sunday, April 14 and it’s expected to be a huge hit with youngsters and grown-ups alike. As well as the fabulous statues, there will be daily superhero-themed arts and craft sessions, making superhero masks, shields, magnets and split pin characters. There will be Supersessions everyday between 1pm and 2pm when youngsters can put their own superpowers to the test by taking part in Superhero School, Dance-Off and Party activities.
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Youngsters will be amazed to see life-size replica statues of their superheroes at Braehead shopping centre during the Easter holidays.

The popular mall is hosting six statues featuring everyone’s favourite comic, TV show and movie heroes.

The free event takes place between Friday, March 29 and Sunday, April 14 and it’s expected to be a huge hit with youngsters and grown-ups alike.

As well as the fabulous statues, there will be daily superhero-themed arts and craft sessions, making superhero masks, shields, magnets and split pin characters.

There will be Supersessions everyday between 1pm and 2pm when youngsters can put their own superpowers to the test by taking part in Superhero School, Dance-Off and Party activities.

And youngsters can also get their photos taken with any of the superhero statues.

Photo: Four-year-old Jude McGhee, from Paisley was in his element when he saw the life-size replica statues of his superheroes, at Braehead Shopping Centre

Braehead’s marketing manager Emma McDougall said: “Everybody loves a superhero and we’ve got six of them coming to Braehead!

“Youngsters will be in their element and so excited seeing the life-size statues of their favourite superhero characters. And then they can have some fun with our arts and craft sessions.

“And while they’re at Braehead, families can enjoy some super-tasty food in our cafes and restaurants.”

Shoppers can also make a donation to the Renfrewshire Toy Bank during the Braehead Superheroes event. A Giving Box has been set up in the central atrium beside the superhero statues.

The Toy Bank provides new toys and birthday gifts, Easter eggs, Halloween costumes and Christmas presents to local children who may otherwise go without.

Go to www.braehead/superheroes for more details on this fantastic Superheroes at Braehead Easter event.

Ricky Kelly

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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