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People living and working across Renfrewshire are being asked to help set the future direction for transport and travel.

Renfrewshire Council has teamed up with transport consultants AECOM to begin development of a new local transport strategy.

Travel Renfrewshire 2035 will be aligned to regional and national strategies and identify transport and travel priorities over the next 10 years.

There are two phases of feedback planned with the first launching now to hear from Renfrewshire residents and people travelling across the area regularly.

Councillor Michelle Campbell, Convener of Renfrewshire Council’s Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board said: “Transport and travel is a hugely important focus which impacts on everyone living and working in Renfrewshire.

“That’s why we want to hear from as many local voices as possible on what’s working well and what would improve people’s travel experience.

“There’s a short public survey which people can complete online or at their local library and I’d encourage everyone to take the time to complete this and help set the future direction for transport and travel in Renfrewshire.”

The AECOM survey and comment map are available to access on the Council website at:

Councillor Campbell added: “We want to support Renfrewshire to be a great place to live, work and visit.

“We also have responsibilities to support national priorities including making bus and train journeys more accessible, encouraging walking and cycling, reducing travel by car and protecting the environment.

“We’re leading Renfrewshire towards a net zero future and are looking at sustainable transport opportunities, while we’re working closely with others to develop community transport options which meet local needs.

“We are working in a financially challenging period so we need to choose the changes which make the biggest difference for every pound we spend locally.”

As well as the survey, AECOM and council staff are hosting stakeholder and community workshops and will be out in local venues to speak to people directly.

David Mayne from AECOM said: “Renfrewshire’s Plan for Net Zero sets out how the area will work towards net zero by 2030. The National Transport Strategy also shows transport as an enabler, supporting priorities to reduce inequalities, take climate action, deliver inclusive economic growth, and improve health and wellbeing.

“In addition, the West of Scotland Regional Transport Strategy recognises the important role transport has to play, including in supporting climate change targets.

“Development of Travel Renfrewshire 2035 offers an opportunity for improvements to transport to be identified and we welcome comments on all modes of transport across Renfrewshire to help shape the strategy, and strongly encourage people to provide feedback.”

The first phase of engagement is open for six weeks with the public survey closing at midnight on Thursday 27 June.

Feedback from this period will be considered in detail with a draft strategy and supporting environmental report being developed next year.

The AECOM survey and comment map are available to access on the Council website at:

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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