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Scottish construction firm, The JR Group has joined Homes for Scotland, adding its voice as a member as the sector body highlights key issues faced by construction and housebuilders seeking to increase the supply of much-needed housing across all tenures.

The JR Group is a key delivery partner for councils and housing associations across Scotland and builds hundreds of modern, energy-efficient social homes across the country each year.

With its members delivering the vast majority of the country’s new homes, Homes for Scotland works closely with Government to identify and tackle barriers to the delivery of new homes. The JR Group will be able to share its experiences to help drive positive changes for the sector.

The partnership was marked by a visit to The JR Group’s Helensburgh development, showcasing some of the work the construction firm is doing on behalf of its clients in a bid to tackle the ongoing housing crisis.

Andrew Dallas, Projects Director for The JR Group said: “The JR Group is a key development partner in the delivery of affordable housing for both Housing Associations and Local Authorities. By joining forces with Homes for Scotland, our goal is to help bring the housing emergency to the forefront of the minds of both the general public and our elected members.

“The Scottish Government’s declaration of a housing emergency shows intent and a commitment to fix the housing crisis in Scotland, but it has so far not been backed up with any increased funding or amended policy position. Therefore, it is important that we give our support to Homes for Scotland and help it continue to put pressure on the Government alongside other key bodies and charities.

“As part of the partnership with Homes for Scotland, it will enable us to share our concerns and front-line expertise and support its discussions with key figures in Government.”

The national housing emergency was declared after multiple local authorities declared housing emergencies and recent independent research showed that there are 693,000 Scottish households facing at least one form of housing need.

Around 15,000 households are living in temporary accommodation in Scotland, including 10,000 children, with the figure rising 10 percent in the space of just a year. The number of people sleeping rough in Scotland is also on the rise, with a 23 percent increase in the number of people making applications to councils who had slept rough the night before.

The JR Group is currently on site at ten different locations across Scotland, building more than 300 new homes with projects for a further 450 homes due to commence in the next 12 to 18 months.

The team met representatives from Homes for Scotland at its development in the Jeanie Deans area of Helensburgh which is being delivered for Dunbritton Housing Association.

The development of 12 modern energy efficient flats in the town’s East King Street is set to be handed over to the housing association shortly and will be available for social rent.

Construction was able to proceed thanks to funding from the Scottish Government’s Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP) and Argyll and Bute Council’s Strategic Housing Fund, as well as private funding from Dunbritton Housing Association.

Andrew Dallas concluded: “As a leader within the industry, it is vitally important we share our experiences of the sector. Homes for Scotland has identified how serious Scotland’s housing crisis is, so we are pleased to be on board, joining the conversation and helping to influence change for the better.”

Homes for Scotland Director of Public Affairs Jennifer Kennedy said:

“We are delighted to have The JR Group supporting us and further strengthening our voice in our discussions with government and other stakeholders as we advocate on behalf of members to ensure they can supply the range and choice of homes that the people of Scotland deserve.

“The JR Group is playing a key role in this, as we saw for ourselves recently when we visited the impressive Jeanie Deans development in Helensburgh which is a prime example of social and private sectors working together. With residents set to move in shortly and having already been for a visit, it was great to hear how excited they were about their new homes, underscoring how important the building of new housing is and the difference it makes to those who live in them.”

Based in Paisley, The JR Group started as a scaffolding business and has grown to become one of Scotland’s largest building and construction firms – employing around 200 staff. The JR Group has a proven track record of delivering outstanding projects for leading UK housebuilders, registered social landlords and private clients across Scotland and the North of England.

For more information on The JR Group visit or call 0141 849 6711.

Headline photo: [Left to Right] JR Group’s Andrew Dallas, HFS’s Jennifer Kennedy & Megan Gibson, JR Group’s Alex Walker and Stephen Robertson 

Photo Credit: The JR Group

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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