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A new family support service in Renfrewshire is hosting public events for parents and carers to meet the team.

People can drop in and meet the team behind the Family Wellbeing Service at:

  • Tannahill Centre, Ferguslie: Wednesday 6 November, 5.30–7.30pm
  • Salvation Army Hall, Paisley: Thursday 14 November, 3–6pm
  • Renfrew Town Hall: Wednesday 20 November, 3–6pm
  • Johnstone Town Hall: Thursday 21 November, 3–6pm

The events have lots of fun activities, entertainment and snacks for all the family, as well as time to talk with the team.

The Family Wellbeing Services provides free support to parents and carers no matter what kind of issues are affecting their family’s wellbeing, such as worries around a change of circumstances, bereavement and loss, emotional and mental health difficulties, financial stress, and many other aspects of family life.

Parents and carers can make a request for family wellbeing assistance through Renfrewshire Council’s website. Staff will offer a listening ear and source help and support without judgement and within a timely manner.

The team works in partnership with many local partners, including Engage Renfrewshire, Home Start, Active Communities, Youth Interventions, Just Dive In, STAR Project, KLAS Care, Pachedu, Impact Arts, Johnstone Teeny Tots, Brick Lane Music Academy CIC, YMCA Renfrew, Stronger Communities Glenburn, Johnstone Castle Learning Centre, and Renfrewshire Out of School Network. National partners include Early Years Scotland and The Why Not Trust.

Councillor Emma Rodden, convener of Renfrewshire Council’s Education and Children’s Services Policy Board, said: “Family life has its ups and downs for everyone and, as a parent, I know how vital it is to be able to talk to something without judgement and get help and support.

“The Family Wellbeing Service are here to provide a listening ear on any issues parents and carers face, no matter how big or small. Meeting them at one of these events can help parents and carers get to know them ahead of reaching out for support, and there’s lots of family fun to enjoy at the same time.”

Find out more about the Family Wellbeing Service on Renfrewshire Council’s website, here:

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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