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A serial thief who stole £10,000 of jewellery and electronics during a 24 hour crime spree has been jailed for 20 months.

Shabaz Ali, 41, broke into Stewart and Carol Matthews’ home in Glasgow’s Dumbreck on 16th June, 2024.

He made off with Miss Matthews’ engagement ring, another ring as well as two pricey laptops.

Ali, of Thornliebank, East Renfrewshire, later told police that he sold the two rings to a pawnbroker.

Ali had earlier attempted to break into two other properties and opened a locked shed.

He pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to a charge of theft, two attempted housebreakings and a housebreaking with intent to steal.

Ali also admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner and a breach of bail conditions.

He will be put under supervision for 10 months upon his release from prison.

The court heard Mr and Mrs Matthews came home to find a broken washing line on their grass.

Mr Matthews also noticed that their rear kitchen window had been smashed as well as their front Victorian glass panel.

Prosecutor Hazel Kerr said: “On entering their property, both saw that the diamond engagement ring worth £4,500 was missing as was their leather box of rings.

“There were other items of jewellery worth £3,000.”

They also discovered a laptop worth £1,000 and another worth between £1,000 and £1,200 had been stolen from their study.

Miss Kerr stated: “The collective figure for the items stolen was £10,000.”

Blood was found on the kitchen window ledge and door panel which were later swabbed by forensics.

Ali’s DNA was linked to the findings and he was later arrested.

Miss Kerr told the court that the engagement ring and another ring were recovered from a Ramsdens pawnbrokers after Ali made police aware.

The hearing was told that earlier in the day, Ali forced open a shed in a back garden in Glasgow’s Pollokshields but did not take anything.

He also tried to break into Maria Ilina’s property in Pollokshields after he smashed a window.

Ali went on to smash Frances McGrade’s front door in a neighbouring property to the shed offence.

Ali was granted bail on June 24 with conditions not to be in a road in the city’s Shawlands which he breached the following day.

When he was picked up by police, he told officers: “That’s f***ing guy is a dead man, he will be six foot under when I f***ing get him.”

He also told and officer that he had HIV and he was going to spit in his “f***ing face.”

It was revealed that Ali’s offending goes back to 2001 when he was convicted for burglary and theft for the first time.

Sheriff Louise Arrol KC said: “This is a significant course of conduct that is disgraceful against the background of a shocking criminal record.”

Connor Gordon

By Connor Gordon

Renfrewshire News Court Reporter

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