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A Laurel and Hardy appreciation society group, who meet Tartan Rose pub in Paisley, has celebrated Oliver Hardy’s birthday.

Oliver Hardy was part of the famous comedy duo of Laurel and Hardy who made 106 films as a duo between 1921 and 1951 including 34 silent short films, 45 sound shorts and 27 full length films, winning an Oscar in 1932 for their classic short film, ‘The Music Box’.

Janice added: “We were holding our regular belated Christmas Meal and realised that it coincided with the 133rd anniversary of Oliver Hardy’s birthday on 18th January 1892.

“For the past few years, we’ve been holding our Christmas Meals in January and this year we realised it fell on Oliver Hardy’s birthday so decided we should celebrate that at the same time.

“A special cake was made by one of our regular members, Mags MacLaren, in the shape of the famous bowler hat worn by Laurel and Hardy”.

The Laurel and Hardy appreciation society is known as the Sons of the Desert (after the 1933 Laurel and Hardy movie) with local clubs known as tents (all named after Laurel and Hardy films).

The Paisley based ‘tent’ is Bonnie Scotland tent, which is the oldest existing ‘tent; in the UK and celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2026.  It meets at 7:30pm in the Tartan Rose pub in Broomlands Street, Paisley to show Laurel and Hardy films.

Ricky Kelly

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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