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Local people in Paisley East & Whitehaugh are being encouraged to become part of their community council as the nomination deadline approaches.

Community councils are a focal point for community activities and share the views of their fellow residents with organisations that deliver services in the area, such as the council, NHS and Police Scotland.

The closing date for nominations to the community council is Friday 28 February 2025 and nomination forms can be requested by emailing or

Renfrewshire Council Leader Iain Nicolson said: “As a council, we want to harness the knowledge of local people and community councils are great way for residents to put forward their views.

“If you would like to make a positive difference to Paisley East & Whitehaugh, then please send your nomination form in before the deadline and even if it is not for you, please share this with as many people in the local area as you can.”

Nomination forms must be filled out fully, include a proposer and seconder who are residents of the area and are listed on the Voters’ Roll, and be signed in ink by all parties.

Forms returned incomplete, unsigned, without a valid proposer and seconder or submitted after the deadline cannot be accepted.

For more information, visit

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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