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Designs have been revealed for three play parks in Renfrewshire that will soon be upgraded, as part of a programme to provide fun and welcoming places for young people and families.

The £424,000 investment will see play areas renewed at Braids Road in Paisley, Laura’s Play Park within Barshaw Park in Paisley and Elm/Maple Drive, Johnstone.

Communities across the local areas were engaged with to identify the type of equipment they’d like to see in their new play parks.

Their feedback was factored into the designs and the new equipment that will be installed in the play parks include toddler and junior multi-play units, gravity riders, swing frames, rope swings, sweeping seesaws, spinners, twizzy barsa and inclusive roundabouts.

Contractors Sutcliffe Play Ltd, Proludic Ltd and Scotplay & Sports Ltd have now been appointed to carry out the refurbishments with work due to start at the three sites from February 2025 and be completed by April 2025.

The renewal works to the three play parks are being fully funded from the Scottish Government’s Play Area Renewal Fund.

In addition to this, planning is also taking place for enhancements to a further six play parks in Renfrewshire including: Robertson Park, Renfrew, Barshaw BMX, Paisley, Ferguslie Gardens, Paisley, Poplar Avenue, Johnstone, Campbell Street, Johnstone, and Stuart Road, Bishopton. There are also plans to develop two brand new play areas at Braehead Road, Paisley and East Fulton, Linwood.

To help inform designs for the additional eight sites public engagement activity will take place for the sites included in the 2025/26 programme. Consultation activity is expected to begin soon.

Councillor Michelle Campbell, Convener of Renfrewshire Council’s Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board, said: “It’s exciting to see plans progress for the refurbishment of play parks in Renfrewshire, both in terms of the projects about to commence and the ones scheduled for later in the year.

“We know how important these outdoor spaces are for our communities and ensuring young people and families across Renfrewshire have access to free play has been one of our key priorities.

“Engagement with the local community is a key part of delivering the upgrades to these spaces – to ensure we create places that reflect what our communities want and need.

“Our play park investment programme has already delivered refurbishments to play parks in every council ward area and this next stage will ensure we continue to enhance the outdoor play experience for young people throughout Renfrewshire.”

Since 2021, more than £3.6million has been invested by the council, Scottish Government, and a small amount of community fundraising, in 42 play parks.

The Scottish Government has confirmed future funding for Renfrewshire of £768,000 for 2025/26 – which will take the total investment in its play parks to £4,924,000.

Photo: Designs for the park at Elm and Maple Drive in Johnstone
Photo Credit: Designs released by Renfrewshire Council

Photo: Braids Road, Paisley designs on how the park will look after works
Photo Credit: Designs released by Renfrewshire Council

Photo: Designs for Laura’s Play Area within Barshaw Park
Photo Credit: Designs released by Renfrewshire Council

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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