Home improvements, new council houses and large-scale housing regeneration will take place in Renfrewshire after councillors approved a £292million investment across the next five years during a meeting on Thursday.
The agreed investment will see £61million in the coming year across 2100 homes, outside for roofs, doors, windows and wall insulation and inside for kitchens, bathrooms and heating systems.
A further £20million will bolster the responsive repairs and maintenance service tenants rely on.
Construction of new council houses in Gallowhill and Johnstone are also due to start soon, with more planned across Renfrewshire in the coming years.
And the long-term investment also continues funding for the major regeneration programme benefiting 1100 homes across eight areas.
Tenants will also get the chance to choose how a 3-year, £600,000 fund is spent locally and benefit from expanded neighbourhood environment teams making improvements to the grounds and areas around council houses.
Councillor Marie McGurk, Convener of Renfrewshire Council’s Communities and Housing Policy Board, said: “I’m delighted to secure this level of investment which recognises the importance we place on providing warm, comfortable and spacious homes and creating welcoming places to live.
“The funding will mean we can carry out 2,100 home improvements this year, continuing to deliver the housing services our tenants rely on. After listening to feedback, we will also spend more on environmental improvements and create a fund for our tenants to decide how it’s best spent locally.
“On top of this, we’re delivering a major housing programme across eight areas and building more council houses across Renfrewshire, adding to recently completed developments which our tenants are enjoying living in.”
The housing budget also agreed proposed rent levels to 2028, confirming a 7.5% increase in the rent charge from April 2025, equivalent to an average increase of £7.15 a week.
This followed consultation with our tenants which received more than 1000 responses.
There were also gradual increases to a range of service charges for facilities such as communal heating systems and launderettes, reflecting the costs of providing these.
Councillor McGurk added: “Setting the level of rent we charge is a really important process carried out in consultation with our tenants.
“It ensures we can tailor our housing services to meet our tenants’ needs, make home improvements and plan for the longer-term, while meeting rising costs and inflation.
“I am very conscious of the difficult financial circumstances many of our tenants face and while for most tenants whose rent is paid by housing benefit the increase won’t impact on them, we always look to do all we can to help people struggling to pay their bills.
“That’s why alongside a dedicated tenant support fund we also have specialist advisors proactively helping our tenants to access benefits they’re entitled to and boosting their household income.”
Headline photo: The completed new build council housing development in the Tannahill area of Ferguslie Park, Paisley
Photo Credit: Renfrewshire Council