Local communities in Renfrewshire can now apply to the Local Place Plan Fund for a share of £100,000 to support the development of Local Place Plans across Renfrewshire.
Local Place Plans offer communities the chance to shape their local area. These plans focus on existing and future land use, placemaking, and potential developments in the community.
The Council has already been engaging with several community groups following an initial invitation to groups to prepare Local Place Plans in 2023, with officers running a monthly drop-in session for groups to seek advice.
The fund is now welcoming expressions of interest from community bodies interested in taking forward preparation of a Local Place Plan. Following this the Council will seek additional information from each group to form a formal application.
Costs eligible to be covered by the fund include research, community consultation, professional services (e.g planning consultants), venue hire and website production.
Councillor Jim Paterson, Convener of Renfrewshire’s Planning and Climate Change Policy Board said: “As a council, we are committed to giving local people the chance to shape the future of the area they live in.
“Several community groups have been working with officers to progress Local Place Plans for their communities and it’s fantastic to have this £100,000 available to support them and encourage more areas to get involved.
“Local Place Plans will be key in the preparation of Renfrewshire’s next Local Development Plan – setting out the long-term vision of where development should and shouldn’t happen in Renfrewshire. The new plan will be place-based and people-centred, developed collaboratively with communities across Renfrewshire.”
Groups can apply for up to £10,000 towards development of a Local Place Plan, with funding prioritised towards plans covering a recognised neighbourhood or community area.
Funded Local Place Plans would need to be submitted by 31st March 2026.
For more information and to make an expression of interest, visit www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/local-place-plans. The closing date for expressions of interest is midday on Tuesday 22nd April 2025.