A Linwood councillor is hoping to bring investment and new land to a community garden within his ward.

David McGonigle, the Houston, Crosslee and Linwood representative has been working closely with Linwood Community Council and has secured cross-party support within Renfrewshire Council to bring change to the garden.

David is hoping that council officials will press ahead to allow residents to secure a lease for an underdeveloped plot.

Proposals for the site include having a workshop or Men’s Shed, however Councillor McGonigle says the possibilities for the community-run space are “endless”.

Scottish Conservative and Unionist Scottish Conservative and Unionist Councillor Cllr McGonigle told Renfrewshire News: “The community garden in Linwood could, once again, be a fantastic asset for the local area, but right now it needs some investment.

“That is why I am determined to find a solution and ensure that Renfrewshire Council officials can allow local residents to secure the lease for the plot.

“The possibilities for this site are endless and I truly believe that we can restore Linwood Community Garden to its blooming best.”

Photo: Cllr David McGonigle at Linwood Community Garden
Photo Credit: Renfrewshire Conservatives

He added: “One possibility is having a workshop or Men’s Shed at the site, which I know would be a great boost in improving social isolation in our communities.

“I am pleased to have already secured cross-party support from fellow councillors, as well as having a positive response from the Community in Linwood.

“My wider community survey will help to shape how we take forward plans for Linwood Community Garden so I encourage all local residents to get involved in my survey.”

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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