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Natalie Don MSP has welcomed new funding from the Scottish Government to support the provision of after school and holiday clubs for Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities in Renfrewshire.

Renfrewshire Council will be able to apply for a share of £4.5 million to help support families in the Renfrewshire.

First Minister Humza Yousaf announced details of the funding while convening a national anti-poverty summit in Edinburgh this week.

The funding will help councils to improve indoor and outdoor areas with school estates in alignment with community needs.

Natalie Don, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire North and West constituency, said: “This additional investment from the Scottish Government is sure to support many working parents in Renfrewshire North & West during the summer holidays and term time – improving access to easily available childcare is key when it comes to tackling child poverty.

“Under the leadership of First Minister Humza Yousaf, this SNP Government is delivering where it matters during this Tory cost of living crisis. From taking action on fuel poverty to increasing social security benefits, it’s clear for all to see that tackling poverty is a priority.

“While the Tories in Westminster give with one hand and take away with the other, and Labour watch on idly by the side-lines, only the SNP has proved that it’s the party brave enough to take action against Westminster austerity and offer the people of Scotland a chance to get rid of the Tories for good by becoming an independent country.”

Photo Credit: Svklimkin  / Pixabay

By Ricky Kelly

Main writer for Renfrewshire News

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