Renfrewshire Council praised for service supporting care-experienced young people
A service for care-experienced young people provided by Renfrewshire Council has been praised for helping to turn lives around.
News and events
A service for care-experienced young people provided by Renfrewshire Council has been praised for helping to turn lives around.
Paisley Arts Centre has announced its grand reopening following a multimillion-pound refurbishment by Renfrewshire Council that has transformed the venue into a premier cultural hub in the heart of Paisley.
Scotland’s foremost carer of Veterans, the Erskine Veterans Charity, was treated to some real Scottish music.
Historic buildings in Renfrewshire’s villages are benefitting from a £250,000 investment from Renfrewshire Council.
A record number of participants have travelled the equivalent of 40 journeys around the Earth in this year’s spring Step Count Challenge.
Puddle Lane in Hillington has waved goodbye to their pre-school children as they are set to embark on their next big adventure – primary school.
Residents at a recently completed housing development in Ferguslie Park marked the milestone by welcoming the Scottish Housing Minister to their new homes.
Loganair, the UK’s largest regional airline, celebrated carrying 400,000 passengers on the popular Glasgow to City of Derry Airport route by surprising long-time travellers with free tickets.
Local residents in Erskine are being encouraged to take part in a consultation which sets out potential improvements to the town centre and riverfront.
Aer Lingus has announced the expansion of its services at Glasgow with the launch of its new service to Cork. With tickets on sale now, the Glasgow to Cork service