Petition launched to stop Renfrewshire Council toppling headstones in cemeteries
A petition has been launched in a bid to stop Renfrewshire Council toppling headstones in local cemeteries.
News and events
A petition has been launched in a bid to stop Renfrewshire Council toppling headstones in local cemeteries.
Renfrewshire residents are among those to have lost more than £19,000 to rogue traders in just six months, new figures from consumer watchdogs reveal.
EasyJet welcomed the airline’s sixth based aircraft to Glasgow Airport yesterday.
Communities and children throughout Renfrewshire were given hundreds of opportunities to participate in the Council’s annual events programme in 2023, delivering a wide range of benefits to those who took
Paisley-based charity Kibble has teamed up with local businesses and organisations in a bid to provide pathways into employment for young people.
The first opening road bridge across the River Clyde is a step closer to completion as the first section of the Renfrew Bridge has arrived in Renfrewshire.
More than £9 million is being made available over the next three years to give people who access social care more choice and control over decisions relating to their care.
The Met Office has issued two yellow weather warnings for rain in Renfrewshire this week.
Renfrewshire councillor Kenny MacLaren has hit out at how long it is taking for customers to receive compensation from the forced installation of pre-payment meters.
Renfrewshire’s Provost Lorraine Cameron raised £15,448.05 for local group Clothed in Love in 2023.