Cllr Leishman defects from Scottish Conservative and joins Reform UK
A Renfrewshire councillor has defected from the Scottish Conservatives to join the Reform UK party.
News and events
A Renfrewshire councillor has defected from the Scottish Conservatives to join the Reform UK party.
A Labour MP is urging the Scottish Government to secure long-term funding for Scotland’s only dedicated further education institution for young people with complex needs.
Inchinnan based PEAK Scientific have unveiled their new branding at their annual, global company Communication Day.
The popular physical activity game Beat the Street is officially returning to Renfrewshire.
Hundreds of young children across Renfrewshire start school today, after having graduated from nursery earlier this summer.
From robotic machining, digital machine shop planning, low-cost machining IoT and process optimisations for cycling, automotive, fashion, and covid response, engineering experts at Scotland’s world-leading R&D manufacturing hub have helped
PEAK Scientific in Inchinnan have introduced the latest addition to their range of nitrogen gas generation solutions with the release of the Corona 1010A.
At just 29, Jennifer MacDonald’s passion for engineering has taken her from nose testing whisky to working in the North Sea and being the only female in an 80-strong offshore
The National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) has manufactured 10,000 certified face visors to donate to charities and companies across Scotland to help them operate safely as the country emerges from
The National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) has awarded the contract for the build of its new flagship facility at the heart of the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland in Renfrewshire