Far-reaching scheme to give pupils the strongest start in life
Staff and pupils in Renfrewshire are backing a £5million scheme aimed at giving youngsters a fulfilling future.
News and events
Staff and pupils in Renfrewshire are backing a £5million scheme aimed at giving youngsters a fulfilling future.
A public meeting calling for better bus services in Renfrewshire will be held tomorrow in Linwood.
A local councillor is backing events taking place in his ward to mark King Charles’ Coronation weekend.
Across Renfrewshire, hundreds of kids have been enjoying free Easter holiday activity camps.
A Renfrewshire councillor has secured funding for LED lighting that will be fitted around the Tweedie Hall – the lighting similar to other fixtures in area such as Renfrew Town
Housebuilder Merchant Homes has opened the doors to its showhome in Linwood.
A spurned thug brutally tried to kill his ex-lover while she was working in a supermarket.
Two men have admitted filling shutter doors of Ibrox Stadium with expanding foam before an Old Firm game.
A Linwood councillor is hoping to bring investment and new land to a community garden within his ward.
Merchant Homes has unveiled there will be a further release of its new family homes in Linwood starting at £197,500.