37,000 meals delivered to Renfrewshire residents
More than 37,000 meals have been delivered so far to Renfrewshire residents during lockdown.
News and events
More than 37,000 meals have been delivered so far to Renfrewshire residents during lockdown.
Scammers are duping the public and businesses with counterfeit goods to profit from the panic and fear caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Walkers, joggers and cyclists are being urged to act responsibly when out for their local exercise during Covid-19 restrictions, with extra consideration for people working outdoors.
Alan Forsyth, the Great Britain and Scotland hockey star currently training with the GB Olympic squad, has raised well in excess of his self-imposed target of £5000 for the NHS
In line with the Scottish Government’s response to COVID-19, a new dedicated Community Assessment Centre (CAC) has opened this week at the Linwood Health Centre to help combat the virus
Around 1200 student nurses and midwives from University of the West of Scotland (UWS) are joining the NHS frontline fight against coronavirus.
Dr Ron Culley has taken up his position as the new chief executive officer for Quarriers.
Scottish Greens West of Scotland MSP Ross Greer has praised the overwhelming majority of people in Renfrewshire for complying with Scottish Government advice to stay at home, protect the NHS
Businesses in Renfrewshire are being advised to put in place stricter rules around passwords to protect staff and systems, as the country switches to home-working amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Parents and carers from the Tiny Tiddlers playgroup in Gallowhill write personal heartfelt songs for their children with musicians from Chamber Music Scotland.