Headstone toppling campaign group hand in petition
A group who has been campaigning to stop Renfrewshire Council toppling headstones in local cemeteries has held a protest rally outside Renfrewshire Council HQ.
News and events
A group who has been campaigning to stop Renfrewshire Council toppling headstones in local cemeteries has held a protest rally outside Renfrewshire Council HQ.
A campaigning group trying to stop Renfrewshire Council toppling headstones in local cemeteries is holding a protest rally outside the council buildings.
Nearly 2000 primary six pupils have learned how they can keep safe in their own communities thanks to a long-running safety education programme.
Crowds are set to soak up the summer vibes at Barshaw Gala Day with an afternoon packed full of exciting activities for all the family.
The Anything Place, a FREE interactive play experience for children age 9 and under which will run in the centre of Paisley throughout the summer, has been introduced by PACE.
A total of 176,100 UK Armed Forces veterans were living in Scotland at the last census, according to new statistics from National Records of Scotland.
Young people from across Renfrewshire helped celebrate Street Stuff’s 15th anniversary with a special football event.
The Gold Medal winners from last year’s Royal National Mòd in Paisley, Emma MacLeod and Iain Cormack, will attend Mòd Chesapeake in Maryland this August to celebrate the thriving Gaelic
Scotland’s drugs and alcohol policy minister has toured a residential rehab centre, meeting people recovering from addiction and the frontline staff who support them on their journey.
Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and Active Communities have today launched a pilot programme that will deliver additional support for local families to help them provide a healthy