Renfrewshire Council gains Bronze sustainable catering certification for school meals
Renfrewshire Council has achieved the Food for Life Served Here Bronze certification for its school meals service across its 47 primary school sites.
News and events
Renfrewshire Council has achieved the Food for Life Served Here Bronze certification for its school meals service across its 47 primary school sites.
The next steps in the biggest-ever transformation of Renfrewshire’s schools in the years ahead are today revealed.
The latest statistics for Renfrewshire’s school leavers show an increased number going into positive destinations.
Natalie Don-Innes, MSP for Renfrewshire North and West, is encouraging young people across the constituency to showcase their sense of humour by participating in a national primary school joke competition.
Pupils, teachers and families of Bargarran Primary School are celebrating getting a glowing report from Education Scotland’s inspectors.
Renfrewshire Council has been awarded a beneficial donation from one of the UK’s largest water retailers to help fund a water efficiency project in Linwood.
A primary school pupil from Renfrewshire is celebrating being named one of eleven winners in a UK-wide design competition, as pupils across the UK take strides to get their hands
Scottish Liberal Democrat MSP, Willie Rennie, has visited Corseford College and praised Capability Scotland’s vital role in providing specialist services for complex needs students.
Anxiety is the main reason for children in Scotland who are suffering with a mental health problem to reach out to Childline for help. In the first six months of
Scottish Opera’s much-loved Primary Schools Tour visits over 120 schools from 3rd February until 27th June with The Tale o’ Tam o’ Shanter, a show created to re-introduce young people