MSP praises government renewable Energy Projects in Renfrewshire
Tom Arthur has highlighted the impact that the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) is having on community renewable schemes in Renfrewshire.
News and events
Tom Arthur has highlighted the impact that the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) is having on community renewable schemes in Renfrewshire.
Local communities in Renfrewshire can apply for a share of £1.5million for innovative, sustainable projects that will enhance where they live.
Preparations are underway in Renfrewshire to ensure council teams are ready to deal with snow, ice and flooding as winter weather prepares to set in.
Whether it’s water sports, wildlife or wellbeing, Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park is proving a huge hit, with increasing numbers flocking to the Park in recent years.
A yellow weather warning for wind and rain has been issued for Renfrewshire by the Met Office.
A strike procession will take place in Paisley tomorrow as school catering, cleaning, pupil support, administration and janitorial staff walk out for three days, closing all schools and most council
Local communities in Renfrewshire will have the opportunity to apply for a share of £1.5million for innovative, sustainable projects that will enhance where they live.
Glasgow Science Centre is holding three live events with top climate change experts so that people across the city can have their questions answered.
Community groups in Renfrewshire have been benefiting from wildflower workshops thanks to The Conservation Volunteers and Renfrewshire Council’s Team Up to Clean Up campaign.
Renfrewshire’s Provost Lorraine Cameron has offered her congratulations to Renfrewshire Schools Pipe Band, who were crowned World Championships in the Novice B category at the World Pipe Band Championships.