Disabled people to be helped into work by dedicated employability adviser
People seeking work who are disabled or have long-term health conditions are to be offered help from a dedicated employability adviser.
News and events
People seeking work who are disabled or have long-term health conditions are to be offered help from a dedicated employability adviser.
Renfrewshire residents have been picking up a racket to take advantage of newly renovated tennis courts in the area.
A service for care-experienced young people provided by Renfrewshire Council has been praised for helping to turn lives around.
Young people with learning disabilities and autism in Renfrewshire are being supported into the workplace through an inspiring employment programme delivered by Renfrewshire Council and Glasgow Clyde College.
Action on Pre-eclampsia (APEC) has welcomed the Scottish Government’s announcement of dedicated funding for pre-eclampsia testing in every Health Board – helping to protect thousands of pregnant mothers and babies
Latest statistics from National Records of Scotland (NRS) for 2023 show that the number of people who died due to drug misuse in Scotland has risen sharply.
More than 4,500 people have taken part in the Paisley 10k and 3k Fun Run, a new record for the popular event.
There were 792 probable suicide deaths in 2023, an increase of 30 on the previous year, according to figures published today by National Records of Scotland (NRS).
Renfrewshire charity ACCORD Hospice welcomed Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care Neil Gray to its Paisley facilities.
Real Housewives of Cheshire star Tanya Bardsley was overcome with emotion during the Homecare’s Got Talent (HCGT) semi-final when local care hero, Gordon Robertson from Visiting Angels Renfrewshire, performed a